Look at the Proof

Would Li Yi have given away the second round if he was not a hundred percent confident in winning the third round?

The only reason Li Yi had dared to throw the prior match was because he was a hundred percent sure about winning the third match. Otherwise, he would have never done such a thing like throwing a round.

Li Yi's golden light barrier was called Chrono Territory. It was not a Territory Skill, but rather, an effect of his Territory Release. His actual Territory Skill was one that allowed him to stack his skill infinitely, Infinite Burst.

Due to the restrictions imposed on Infinite Burst, Li Yi could only stack his Powered-up Arrow and Hunt Target initially to deal large amounts of damage. None of his other skills could enjoy the benefits of Infinite Burst, but as he continued to improve his Territory Power, his Territory Skill had begun to evolve as well.

Chrono Burst!

That was the new name of the upgraded Infinite Burst.