Power of the Ancient Gods

As Jiaojiao had forbidden normal players from speaking on the National Channel, even Li Yi was kept in the dark about this for quite some time. He only indirectly learned of what had happened when the Huashan Sect's donations began streaming in…

The newbies complained to the Queen and spammed the National Channel with insults aimed at Huashan, leading to quite the ruckus for a while. Eventually, Jiaojiao herself stepped forth to call for a truce, and she threw every member of the Huashan Guild into jail before the commotion finally died down.

After the Huashan incident was settled, they began to repair the major cities that had been destroyed. Since he had nothing better to do, Li Yi ran to the brigands' hideout in the Pinewood where he unexpectedly bought a Colorless Crystal from the Quartermaster, Second Brother Zhang.