Shattered Bonewood

Once he had consumed all of his Territory Power, it took a long time to recover. Li Yi hid near the teleportation door for more than three hours before he finally recovered fully.

While he was waiting, he even saw a group of rash players attempt to challenge the Berserk Fifth Demon God. As expected, all of them died to the Demon God.

How could anyone try the alternative strategy against the Twin Demon Gods unless they could kill them with one hit?

Once he had recovered all of his power, Li Yi used Stealth to get within attacking range of his target. He then activated God Mode and Water Clone, summoning Dolly once more.

He used God Mode just in case, and he summoned Dolly as insurance. In any case, Li Yi's current aim was to strengthen himself as much as possible. If he could not defeat the Demon God in an instant, the Demon God would kill him instead, and that would be awkward.

"Swish! Swish!"