The Third Demon God

Under Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut's watchful gaze, Dolly, who was in her grasp, gradually faded out of existence.

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut muttered to herself, "Did she vanish?"

"I dismissed her."

Li Yi muttered quietly from a distance.

Legendary pets could only be dispelled by their owners if they were within 100 yards of them.

Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut cast a wary eye at her surroundings. However, as Li Yi had already entered Camouflage, her efforts were wasted.

"Could it be? Does this place have a minimal chance of spawning Angel Series Elves? What a waste, if only I hadn't grabbed her, then maybe she would not have disappeared. I really cannot bear to kill that cute little rascal."

"That woman's pretty naïve, huh."

Li Yi almost broke out laughing upon hearing Fluttering Snow Purple Water Chestnut's analysis of Dolly.