Command the World

The three-headed demons were all slain under Aragon's Ten Thousand Lightning Blade, leaving Kolanian the only one standing.

Kolanian had only a thousand HP, but it was completely immune to physical and magical attacks. Simply put, it was invincible!

Kolanian could not be hurt by anything including Forbidden Curses and Territory Skills, even the gods would tremble before it.

According to the official wiki, it had one weakness. 

"Only Genghis knows that mysterious weakness."

Another dragon breath filled with dark elements spat out, Li Yi's HP hit the bottom and the Panda Fight was automatically recalled. Aragon now stood alone within the Demon God Halls.

"Bam! Bam! Bam!"

The bone spurs were released once more from Genghis.

Aragon's HP continued to drop, and soon he could not hold on. He bailed before his HP was reduced to zero.

The battle was over...

A disheartened Li Yi lay on Genghis.