Sealing Sword

That was seven times!

That meant seven identical Sealing Swords.

[Sealing Sword (Orange Quality, Legendary)]

[Requirement: 200 points of STR. No class restrictions.]

[150–600 ATK]

[STR +51]

[AGI +15]

[WIL +15]

[END +15]

[ATK SPD 2.0 per second]

[Special Effect: ???]

[Special Effect: ???]

[Special Skill: ???]

[Note: This sword can seal all elemental powers. — Blademaster Mirashwa.]

"No way…"

Li Yi looked at the seven identical Sealing Swords. Even he could barely believe his eyes.

The Sealing Sword was a weapon at the same level as Dragonslayer. Its Attributes may look pathetic now, but that was because the sword had not been activated yet.

Even so, getting seven at once? That was some unbelievable luck, right?