Starting Point City

That night, Flower Underpants disbanded the Iron Alliance, paid the defection fees, and officially joined the ranks of the Ninth Continent.

Aside from Flower Underpants, a majority of the Iron Alliance's Elites had also participated in the defection. In just a day, there were already 300 thousand or so of Iron Alliance's Elites who had joined the Ninth Continent.

Brother Windcloud Nine gave his new citizens a warm welcome. For every player who had defected, he would celebrate it by shouting in the World Channel to show them respect.

Naturally, there were also voices of disagreement. After all, there was still a mountain of past grudges to be handled.

The Ninth Continent was livening up, and so too was the Defiant Continent. Seeing the vast sums of Elites defecting had made Defiantly Tyrannical panic, and he was starting to regret heavily oppressing the players.