Who's Cockier?

"I'll give you the throne in five days!"

"Brother Yi, you're the big brother I never had…"

Fatty was so happy that he did not even know what to do with his hands. He was this close to hugging Li Yi and showering him with kisses/

While Li Yi declared that he would give Fatty the throne in five days, on the other hand, Defiantly Tyrannical was making bold claims of his own.

"We're taking Savage City in five days. How dare those f*ckers try to be independent on my turf! Do they have a death wish?"

Ever since Defiantly Tyrannical took the throne, he had never once stopped waging war. He fought from dawn to dusk, inciting dissatisfaction all over the country. Every day, countless people reminisced about the good ol' days under Queen Jiao.

"Defiant Tyrant? More like F*cking Idiot Tyrant! Get off the throne, f*cker!"

"Tyrannical, Imma f*ck your lil sister…"

"Shoo shoo, scram, go away…"