Waiting for My Girlfriend

In the ruins of the Assembled Gods Continent's Celestial City.

Li Yi had been riding his Holy Light Warhorse and searching around this place for days now,

He still remembered that God-queen Carulla was the one behind the monster raid back then. Now that Carulla had been stripped of her Divine Power, this was the best opportunity to deal with her once and for all. If he missed this chance, he would not get another too easily.

Without her Divine Power, Carulla could not return to Mount Pantheon, so she must be hiding somewhere on the Pantheon Continent, too afraid to show herself.

Li Yi was not the only one searching. He had his host of friends helping him.

In King of Pantheon, every god was a considerable force in themselves. If he could find Carulla, he could definitely get plenty of information from her.

He may even force the way to become a god from her.