Golden Hand

The process of trying out different mechanisms was exciting. Because they were unclear on how to proceed, they were just pushing people out to probe. Of course, this was the reason behind Li Yi teaming up with random players. This was the way to play the Tower of Remorse — finding a few volunteers who were willing enough to walk into traps. 

The ninth floor mist checkpoint was not in a huge space but its mechanism setup was hectic. Basically, one false step would land in fatality. 

With zero error margin, they were left with only the option; to push people out in probing. 

The five main tanks were long gone while half of the DPS were dead. However, when it was Li Yi's turn to move, he finally caught an inkling on the mechanism's rules. He advanced forward following red, white, black, green, yellow, red, white, black, green color pattern and did not step onto any trap.