Golden Eye

Li Yi's plan was very simple. He suggested using Sister Windcloud Nine as the sacrifice so that the rest of the team could clear the stage safely.

The Light Priest's Territory Skill, God's Protection, as well as Sister Windcloud Nine's Tuhr Sword, could give them invincibility for five minutes. Li Yi wanted to make use of that.

Brother Windcloud Nine shook his head. "You probably don't know this, bro, but these wraiths attack really weirdly. They ignore aggro completely and just attack the target at the very front first before they go for anyone else. You can use my wife as a target, sure, but she won't be able to move once God's Protection is active. No matter how the Sacred Sword attacks, the wraiths will just ignore it."

Li Yi smiled. "Don't worry, I have my ways."

While God's Protection was active, even the strongest Violent Warrior would be a sitting duck, unable to use any skills.