Crimson Blood Scorpion


Blood red scorpions!

In that dim, deep, and damp hole, the scorpions were everywhere.

"Where's this? Is this the 59th floor? Or is it a hidden reward stage?"

"How should I know?"

The Cat that Sings was at a loss, and Li Yi was not any better. Despite his numerous experiences of running the Tower of Remorse in the past and the knowledge he had gleaned from the forums, Li Yi was still clueless about the scenario before him.

The tiny scorpions within the sinkhole had mediocre ATK stats, and their HP were pitifully low. All it took was a single stomp to kill them. However, once the mysterious rumble ended, a terrifying number of 'Crimson Blood Scorpions' crawled out from all sides.

The Cat that Sings furiously scolded, "M-Motherf*cker! Are these things even qualified to be called scorpions?"