Floral Hat

Li Yi had no clue on how to receive the Ascension Quest from the gods.

Before Mount Pantheon was officially opened, the whereabouts of the gods were unpredictable, and it was difficult to meet them even once, let alone make friends with them.

Today, however, Li Yi finally learned how the gods released the Ascension Quests.

When he raised the Divine Power of Lightning to 91, Fire Ice private messaged him to inform her receipt of a peculiar mission.

She had been farming demons with Jiaojiao recently, and now her level was 196. Although she was not a Territory Master in her own right, her equipment was powerful and made her virtually comparable to one.

Since Li Yi successfully staved off the Demonic Invasion and stopped the war with demons, Fire Ice had nothing else to do but to run around the Four Continents all day to improve her lifestyle skills.