Divine Punishment

"Don't go in there!"

Just as Li Yi and Brother Windcloud Nine were about to enter the Wind God's Shrine, a weak voice reached their ears.

A plume of purple smoke approached and stopped before the two of them, shifting to form the shape of the Second Demon God, Aersith.

Li Yi was taken aback. "Why are you here, Aersith?"

Brother Windcloud Nine pulled out his Blazing Judgment and watched, confused, as Li Yi and Aersith spoke to each other. He did not know that Aersith was also Li Yi's mercenary. In his eyes, Aersith's name was red, and that made her an enemy.

Aersith shook her head. "I've been here for a long while now."

Her face was pale, and she looked weak, as though she had suffered a serious injury.

"I fought God-queen Carulla."

"You?" Li Yi was shocked again.