Red Dragon

Sky Island was the Winged Ones' forbidden land, and legend had it that the souls of the departed Winged Ones would rest here. Unlike other creatures, when Winged Ones died, their souls would automatically fly to the Sky Graveyard. When the Winged Ones' Mother Tree collected enough energy, the Winged Ones' souls would be reborn as eggs, granting them new life.

There were three Winged One bosses on Sky Island that posed the biggest challenge.

The strongest Winged One was their chief, the Winged Ruler. It had the special ability to talk directly to the Pantheon, and it had unlimited Divine Power at its disposal. It could even use several dozen powerful Divine Spells.

The second-strongest Winged One was their Sky Priest, Karina. It was the Winged Ones' strongest priest, and it could freely use Divine Power as well as restorative Divine Spells.