Master of Sky Island

The Huashan Sect was an influential name within King of Pantheon. Even if one had an entire day to describe the feats of Huashan, they would still barely scratch the surface.

With the Winged Ruler, Moonlight now dead, most players would assume that the Windcloud Clan or Savage Tribe would take control of Sky Island. However, they had finally come to terms with reality when Scumbag Wang officially became Sky Island's Master.

The Huashan Guild was around 2,000-men strong, and among them, only eight hundred or so were core members, as they were the merry brothers that Scumbag Wang had brought in from their previous game.

The Huashan Sect was an extremely exclusive guild, and it was very hard for outsiders to mingle well with them. However, once they were totally assimilated, their brotherhood would become so strong that if one were to stab another, the wrongdoing would just be written off.