Leaving Planet Vegeta

After spending a few more days in great ape transformation, Kalan finally got a better grasp over his body and could utter a few foreign sounding words. He knew that in due time he would completely master his control over his great ape body, but it wasn't important for him to continue training so he and Anya returned to Planet Vegeta.

Anya walked Kalan to the mission center and got a low level planet with the inhabitant's highest battle power being estimated to be over 2,000. With Kalan's controllable state in great ape, there would be no danger as his spacepod was also equipped with a full moon hologram.

"System can you hack their computers and retrieve all planets' coordinates? If possible find Earth and Planet Namek." Kalan ordered in his mind.

[Beep! Affirmative. Scanning computers...]

[Retrieving data...]

[Retrieving complete: ....]

The system showed a long list of planet coordinates.

[Computing for possible Earth planets...]

The system continued working hard to find Earth's coordinates. After all, he needed to go to Earth in order to learn real martial arts. Paired with his great innate latent battle power, his battle power would skyrocket.

"Maybe I'll have a chance to steal Frieza's bloodline if I manage to go to Earth." Kalan thought excitedly on his way home.

After a long while later

[Beep! Possible Earth planet found: Low level planet, weak inhabitants.

Estimated highest battle power: 400

Coordinates: XXX: YYY: ZZZ #4032-877

Queued: 321

Situated in Milky Way Galaxy.]

"Milky Way Galaxy! It must be it! Great! System did you find planet Namek?" Kalan was overjoyed, at least he won't be drifting randomly in space.

[Beep! No data found matching planet Namek!]

"Oh, but since Goku was sent from Planet Vegeta it makes sense that Earth's coordinates was recorded in the mission center's server. But Vegeta worked directly under Frieza as such he might have had a much larger database to find Namek's coordinates. System what does the queue mean?" Kalan thought.

[Beep! Earth is queued behind 321 planets ahead to be assigned in missions.]

"Oh! No wonder Goku got sent to Earth in 3 years." Kalan nodded.


"Kalan take care! Don't rush in and fight, use your scouter and scout your enemies first. Begin with slowly killing the weaker ones and don't let them alert the strong enemies. If you find enemies stronger than you, first prepare yourself before battling them. Be sure to only lure them to a place that doesn't put you in a geographic disadvantage before transforming into a great ape and be sure to hide the spacepod well. In the worst case you can use the scouter to contact the mission center to send another spacepod." Anya went to great lengths and explained all her experiences from her own missions.

"Alright, I've remembered everything." Kalan nodded his head obediently, he felt nervous. It would be his first time traveling out in space.

"Here's a spare scouter in case your get destroyed in combat." Anya handed a spare scouter to Kalan.

"Thanks." Kalan smiled and received the scouter.

Kalan took a deep breath and entered his spacepod. All settings were preset, the coordinates input, all he needed to do was press the launch button. He put the spare scouter in a pull out compartment and closed it.

"Kalan! Good luck!" Anya shouted.

Kalan nodded and pressed the launch button. The spacepod door closed and launched itself into the air at great speed and flew away toward space.

Kalan looked at the display. It said he would need to ride the spacepod for 5 months before he arrived at his destination.

"You got to be joking! Frieza will destroy Planet Vegeta in little more than 3 years and I have to waste almost half a year in flight?!" Kalan complained as his power was just way too weak compared to Frieza. Even Frieza's first form just having 530,000 battle power was way too strong for him. With the short amount of time, Kalan was put under huge pressure. He did not want Planet Vegeta to be blown up. Although most Saiyans were quite evil and killed discriminately. But he still cared deeply about his family and friends. The one he cared the most was his mother and grandpa followed by Bardock and Gine. Although Raditz was quite a coward he was quite good at pleasing people. Making Kalan have a better opinion of him. He believed that once he got rid of Frieza he could change the Saiyans way and make them friendlier. After all the Sadala Saiyans were alot more kinder and gentler.

"Even that brat Raditz will change his nature. If he dares to go against me. Hmph, hmph. I'll pummel him." Kalan muttered with a content smile while imagining himself torturing Raditz.