Kalan's Bottomless Stomach

Kalan flew up above the forest and looked for the nearest city.

"There! I see a city!" Kalan flew toward the city at high speed and arrived there in no time.

"I can see the King Castle, so this is Central City where Piccolo usurped the throne!" Kalan floated above the city and looked around.

"So familiar... Although the ball shaped houses are different from my past life. But this is Earth... So familiar!" Kalan mumbled. Arriving on Earth made him reminisce his past life.

*Sniff sniff*


"The food is so fragrant! Unlike the meat I eat everyday in Planet Vegeta, Earth's cuisines are so much better!" Kalan drooled after sniffing the tasty food.


Kalan landed and walked to a barbecue restaurant.

"Hm... I don't have any money except Intergalactic coins..." Kalan mumbled while looking at the menu.

"Special special! This month's special! King Combo menu Challenge! If you can finish it in 5 minutes it's free! Otherwise you'll have to pay 50,000 Zeni!" A staff shouted out loud promoting their new menu and challenge. Although the price was overpriced, but that's only because it's a challenge where you either pay or eat for free.

"Perfect! Hey! I want the King Combo menu challenge!" Kalan shouted excitedly. Just the fragrant smell from the barbecue grill was making his mouth watery.

"Coming!" A staff yelled. Moments later a big platter of 1 meter wide was brought to Kalan, 15 kg barbecued meat with french fries and a bowl of salad.

*Chomp munch munch* Kalan immediately started eating like Goku used to, with great vigor.

"Ahh... Yummy!" Kalan finished the food and patted his belly.

"Wha- 1 minute and 12 seconds?!?" The staff was amazed by the speed Kalan swallowed down the whole platter of food. Most big eater fail to even finish it not to mention finishing eating in 5 minutes.

"Oh can I have 3 more? No make it 5 more of this menu?" Kalan asked while still feeling hungry.

"Uh.. Yes yes! Coming soon!" The waitress said and scurried to pass down the order.

Imagine a little 5 year old looking 'girl' wolfing down endless amount of food. Due to the shocking disparity in image. It took the boss of the restaurant a long while before he regained his senses and kicked Kalan out of the restaurant before he got bankrupt.

"Tch, cheepskate..." Kalan mumbled as he left while patting his belly.


"That was satisfying!" Kalan yelled, he had eating a total of 6 portions of King Combo menu challenge! Each with a total of 15 kg meat.

"Earth's food is the best after all." Kalan praised.


Meanwhile on Kami's Lookout

"Kami-sama?" Popo asked Kami.

"What a frightening young fellow... He got such an enormous amount of Ki. It seems he has no control over it, just a little child and already surpassed me. Is his bottomless stomach related to his strength?" Kami mumbled.

As Kalan forgot to hide his Ki with the system's help as he felt nostalgic coming to Earth and got busy eating. His battle power was over 1,000 like he had hidden it when he was on Planet Vegeta.

Kami who was the strongest being on Earth had a battle power of 400, naturally he was astonished seeing a little kid with an enormous amount of Ki not to mention way more than his own and without control over his Ki.

"Mr. Popo please invite the little boy here, it would be troublesome if he were to go on a rampage. Considering his lack of control over his Ki." Kami said.

"Yes." Popo got on his flying carpet and flew away.


Kalan was licking an ice cream cone he bought. He finally made some money of an eating challenge. But due to his big appetite, most restaurants had been informed of the little 'girl's' appearance and much to Kalan's dismay, he got banned from all the restaurants.

"System help me plan my next steps so I can save Planet Vegeta." Kalan ordered.

[Beep! Calculating future paths...]


[Beep! Calculations complete]

[The highest chance for host to save Planet Vegeta in a short amount of time is to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber until host is strong enough to beat Frieza.]

"But I can only enter that place twice in my life, and I can only stay there for 1 year each time otherwise the door will disappear... And unless I'm as strong as Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks or Buu I won't be able to get out with pure force... Do you want me to train until I die?!?!" Kalan argued.

"Besides... I think I'll turn crazy training there for so long. Even kid Goku only managed to stay there for 1 month, although the gravity is the same as Planet Vegeta's being 10x. But the atmosphere is really harsh, fluctuating between extreme heat and extreme cold.

[Beep! The 2nd path is to the dragon balls to wish for a similar spaceship like Goku or Vegeta's. Not only does it have gravity chamber. It also flies at a much greater speed than host's spacepod. Capable of reaching planet Namek in just 6 days. Host can then decide to travel to planet Namek by asking King Kai for Namek's coordinates like in the story. If host learns Kaio-ken and manage to unlock his potentials, even if he cannot defeat Frieza's final form, host should be able to fight Frieza's 2nd or 3rd form.]

[Beep! The 3rd path is to abandon Planet Vegeta and emigrate a large number of Saiyans by spaceships, Instant Transmission or a dragon ball wish. Host is advised to take the 3rd path as there is not enough time for host to train to be able to beat Frieza.]

"This... Fine, I do agree with only 3 years is just too short. System choose the 3rd path!] Kalan decided.

[Beep! Host should go to Mount Paozu and borrow Son Gohan's 4 star Dragon Ball and ask Dr. Brief to make a dragon radar.]