Good food and cute Onee-san

Due to his overly high battle power compared to the other Z Warrior's when then walked the Snake Way, Kalan flew at high speed without feeling exhausted.

*Guu- Growl*

After flying 3 days straight. Kalan's stomach grumbled.

"Too bad there's no food around." Kalan shook his head and took out a senzu bean.

"Eh! There's a castle. This should be the Snake Princess's castle. Great!" Kalan who was just about to eat the senzu bean noticed a castle far way in the horizon. He quickly put away the senzu bean and sped up.


Kalan landed in front of the castle.

"Hello?" Kalan shouted as he walked toward the castle.

*Tok Tok Tok*

As Kalan walked toward the castle, the castle suddenly turned into a snake head and sucked Kalan in. But since he already knew what was going on, he simply followed in.

"Welcome honored guest!" A blue skinned woman said and she hit a metal gong.


"The Snake Princess has arrived!" She said and hit the gong again.


"What a cute little child, are you lost child?" The Snake Princess asked.

"Nuuhuuh. I'm hungry, can I have some food? I know you guys make great food!" Kalan acted childishly and spread out his hands as he spoke.

"Hahaha of course." Snake Princess said and then ordered her servant to bring food.

"Oh please make sure to make a lot, and a whooole lot of food. I got a really big appetite, you know." Kalan said, as if afraid they would serve him less because of his small figure.

"Hahaha of course. So what brings you here? This isn't an amusement park." Snake Princess said.

"I'm going to King Kai to train!" Kalan responded.

Soon lots of food was brought to a big table and Kalan immediately dug in.

*Clank Clank* *Munch Munch* *Glug Glug* *Kin Kin* *Slurp Slurp*

All the attendants and the Snake Princess watched in astonishment as a little 5 year old looking girly figure seemed like a bottomless pit as Kalan continued to sweep the table clean. Plate after plate stacked up like a huge mountain.


"Ahh! That was a satisfying meal!" Kalan exclaimed with a bright smile.

"Little girl do you like this place?" The Snake Princess asked.

"Yeah, but I'm a boy..." Kalan said depressedly.

"Hahaha, is that so? Then do you want to stay here?" Snake Princess asked.

"No, I'm going to King Kai's place. But I might drop by again, the food was great." Kalan decline and praise their food.

"Hehehe, don't be in a hurry to leave. There's a lot of fun here. I can smell your clothes are dirty. You probably haven't had a bath in a long time. We have an hot spring here, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'll have my attendants wash your clothes clean, what do you say?" Snake Princess persuaded.

"Well... Alright, I'm not in that much of a hurry." Kalan said and sniffed his clothes "And you're right, they do smell a lot. I've worn them for a year."

Snake Princess brought Kalan to their hot spring. Kalan undressed and jumped in the spring. It was quite hot as steam rose from the hot spring.

"Ahh! So comfortable!" Kalan enjoyed himself in the hot spring.

"Hehehe let Onee-san join you." Snake Princess said as she stepped into the hot spring.

*Cough Cough* Kalan upon seeing the naked Snake Princess, started coughing and turned around.

"She has a nice figure and a cute face, too bad she's blue skinned..." Kalan muttered as he wasn't quite used to the Otherworld's aesthetics.

"Eh! So you really were a boy!" Snake Princess noticed Kalan's wiener and was astonished.

"I told you so earlier." Kalan pouted.

"Hehehe don't be shy." Snake Princess didn't seem to mind that they were naked.

"I guess this is the perks of being a kid..." Kalan mumbled as he occasionally furtively sneaked a few glances at Snake Princess's chest.

After enjoying himself in the hot spring, Kalan jumped out and put on his newly washed clothes.

*Sniff Sniff* "Hey they smell really fresh." Kalan exclaimed happily as he had to endure the sweaty smell from his clothes for a long time.

"Well I got to go now Onee-san I'll drop by someday when I got time." Kalan smiled as he waved to Snake Princess and walked out.

"Oh honored guest don't leave." The attendants stopped Kalan from leaving.

"You see, you young flesh must be quiet succulent." Snake Princess said as she walked of and licked her lips.

"Yes indeed, this young boy's flesh will certainly taste juicy. Will we get a bite? Snake Princess please don't hog such a treat all by yourself." The attendants quipped as they showed their sharp teeth.

"Sigh, I knew this would happen, but it was still worth the food... And bath." Kalan sighed

"Hehe so you knew this yet you dare to reject my good will. If you had decided to stay here I would have taken good care of you." Snake Princess said.

"Hmph" Kalan snorted as he release his a bit of his ki, a strong pressure pressed down on the Snake Princess and her attendants.

"You-" The Snake Princess paled upon feeling the strong pressure.

"I can leave now right?" Kalan smiled as he walked out.

"Yes..." Snake Princess said in resignation.

After walking out of the Snake Castle in a good mood. Kalan flew towards the end of Snake Way at high speed.

1 Day later, Kalan managed to reach the end of Snake Way, he had just stepped on the snake tail.

"Finally I've reached the end." Kalan said as he could see a small planet a distance away from the snake tail.

Kalan jumped down and flew toward the planet. As soon as he neared he sensed a strong gravity pull him towards the planet.

*Tok* Kalan landed on the planet.

"Yep, this gravity feels similar to home." Kalan commented.