New Destination Planet Namek!

Kalan quickly flew to King Enma's office. This time his speed was alot quicker and he used the time to practice his Kaioken aswell. As he was alot stronger that Goku was when he used Kaioken on Earth. It didn't take long for Kalan to master Kaioken 2x. It took Kalan just a single day to make it back to King Enma.

After learning that Kalan had also become King Kai's student, he turned much more amiable as they were now fellow students. He helped call Kami, althought Kalan could also do it but he wasn't that familiar with his new telepathy skills so it was better for King Enma to do it.

"See you later King Enma!" Kalan said as he grabbed Kami.

"Hahaha! Work hard young fellow!" King Enma said laughingly.

"Goodbye Great King Enma-sama." Kami though did not dare to slight King Enma but was surprised by the change in attitude he had towards Kalan.


Kalan and Kami appeared at the Lookout.

"I'm so jealous of your teleportation skill! Kami teach me it!" Kalan complained childishly.

"Sigh, this is is called Kai Kai, it allows me to move from one place to another as well as from the living world to the Other World, but it's a skill for Gods." Kami sighed and said. It seems to be a skill he could only learn by becoming Earth's Guardian.

"System can you record this skill?"

[Beep! Skill recording incomplete! Host requires transcendent power or divine Ki!]

"Seems like I have to go to Planet Yadrat to learn Instant Transmission." Kalan shook his head and thought.

Kalan headed off to Capsule Corporation, he met Dr. Brief and got the dragon radar as well as the 2 star dragon ball which Dr. Brief found in the warehouse after trying the dragon radar to his surprise and happily told Kalan that the dragon radar for fully working.

Kalan ordered the system to record all the places he found the dragon balls so he wouldn't mess up Bulma and Goku's adventure. He planned to put the dragon balls back after using them. After all, what if Goku never left his home and stayed there all the way until Dragon Ball Z series? Goku was a genius and the main character in the story. Kalan didn't know for sure if he would surpass Goku, so he hoped to not mess up the story too much if possible so that Goku's growth wouldn't be impeded.

Gathering the dragon balls were quite simple considering Kalan's current strength.

"Come forth Shenron and grant me my wish!" Kalan shouted.


The sky turned dark and clouds gathered as the 7 dragon balls shone brightly and shot out a light that turned into Shenron.

"Speak your wish." Shenron looked at Kalan and said.

"I shall grant you any single wish you have." Shenron said imposingly.

"I wish for a spaceship like this and preferably make the gravity chamber as strong as you possibly can." Kalan said as he sent images of the spaceship figure and all the information he knew of the spaceship telepathically to be more specific. Of course Kalan did not include Capsule Corporation's logo as it would make things awkward.

*Bzzzz* Shenron's red eyes started glowing, soon a capsule landed on Kalan's hand.

"Your wish has been granted." Shenron said as his body started glowing.

"Fare thee well." He said as his body turned into light that pulled the dragon ball into the air and shot the dragon balls in all directions.

"Great!" Kalan said as he gripped the capsule.

"I'll put the dragon balls back in their original place after a year." Kalan thought as the dragon balls would remain stones for a year.

*Click* Kalan pressed the button on the capsule and threw it.

*Bom* Smoke spread out as a big spheric spaceship looking just like the one Goku rode to planet Namek. Just missing the logo.

Kalan walked inside the spaceship and checked the rooms. There was a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and a training room. The bathroom's toiletries, the kitchen's fridge was filled and the fuel was full. It seems like Shenron gave Kalan extra service. Kalan thanked Shenron in his mind as he begun to input planet Namek's coordinates. It would take 6 days for him to arrive.

The ship closed and flew away. As the ship flew Kalan went to see the training room.

*Blip Blip Blip* After pressing a few buttons Kalan learned that the max gravity was 500x just like the one Vegeta had.