Learning Instant Transmission

2 Months passed as Kalan sparred and learned the Namekian's martial arts. Unfortunately none of the Namekians knew of a technique to survive in space. But at least Kalan could do like Broly did and compress a thin layered spherical Ki barrier around his body and survive on the air inside the Ki barrier as Kalan had a lot of Ki right now.

Kalan also got to practice his healing ability as he had continually cut of Anpa's arm to collect his blood and Ki. After Anpa regenerated his arm, Kalan healed him to recover his lost Ki.

"System show me my status." Kalan said in his mind.

[Host's Status:

Name: Kalan

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Elite Class Innate latent Battle Power), 100% Namekian (Low Class)

Talent: ?

Passive Abilities: Great Strength, Great Endurance, Strong Regenerative Power, Heightened Senses and Ki Sense (2x)

Active Abilities: Healing, Telepathy, Kaioken(3x), Spirit Bomb(D-), Split Body, Regenerate Body

Age: 6 Years 3 Months

Estimated lifespan: 300 years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: 470,100

Ki Control: 993(B++)]

Kalan did not get Enhanced hearing nor hardened skin becaues he did not want to look like a Namekian nor did he want Namekian ears.

"2 Years left..." Kalan thought.

Kalan bid goodbye to the Namekians and stepped into his spaceship and flew away.

"1 Month to reach the Yadrats." Kalan read the display.

During this 1 month Kalan continued his gravity training.


Kalan reached Planet Yadrat and the inhabitants were peaceful and friendly. Soon Kalan got guidance to learn Instant Transmission.

"System any tips on learning Instant Transmission?" Kalan asked the System as he got a headache trying to learn Instant Transmission.

[Beep! Host is advised to get Space affinity. Space affinity (B) requires 10,000 System Points, 5,000 Origin Energy.]

"So expensive! Are you sure I should get Space affinity?" Kalan hesitated as he less than 10,000 Origin Energy.

[Beep! The System advises host to buy Space affinity. Origin Energy can be gathered from Faith Energy. Once host displays his powers and saves the Saiyans, they will worship you.]

"Alright, since I'll soon be able to collect Origin Energy it won't be a problem." Kalan thought.

[Beep! Space affinity(B) fusing with host...]

The process of fusing Space affinity took way longer than Kalan had though as he lost conciousness for a whole month!

Kalan learned Instant Transmission after 3 months if the one month Kalan was unconcious is included.

Kalan restocked his food and fuel before he set off on his spaceship to explore.

Although he could use Instant Transmission to teleport, but that required him to lock on to other's Ki. As he had not explored the space it was a good chance to use the time he explored with gravity training. Kalan intended to use his enhanced senses to first scout and see if there were any places worth landing, if not he would continue flying and training.

"System show me my status."

[Host's Status:

Name: Kalan

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Elite Class Innate latent Battle Power), 100% Namekian (Low Class)

Talent: Space affinity(B), ?

Passive Abilities: Great Strength, Great Endurance, Strong Regenerative Power, Superior Senses, Heightened Instincts, Heightened Ki Sense (2x)

Active Abilities: Healing, Telepathy, Instant Transmission, Kaioken(3x), Spirit Bomb(D-), Split Body, Regenerate Body

Age: 6 Years 6 Months

Estimated lifespan: 500 years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: 552,820

Ki Control: 993(B++)]

"How did my lifespan increase by that much? And I don't remember doing any training except trying hard to master Instant Transmission..." Kalan asked the system with a puzzled face.

[Beep! During the fusion of Space affinity, a large amount of space element fused with host's body increasing host's body and soul's quality. Thereby giving host increased lifespan and a small increase in battle power. Due to host's Space affinity, host can closely connect his senses with the surroundings thereby gaining Superior Senses. Fusing with Namekian Bloodline also increased host's lifespan.]

"Oh." Kalan seemed to understand and nodded his head.