Life and Death Battle

"Kid! Hurry and leave! We can't hold them down. They are too strong!!" The rest of the Pal'Adians shouted as they continued their charge.

But Kalan only heard muffled and inaudible sounds. It was like time slowed down. The world lost it colors and turned into monochrome. Muffled explosions were heard. Kalan could see the Bull alien and seahorse alien's cruel and wicked smiles. The seahorse alien even licked the blood that had splattered on him, he enjoyed the taste of it as he moved his fingers covered in blood and licked it clean as he stared at the rest of the Pal'Adians like a wolf staring at it's prey.

This time the bull alien moved, he flash forward in an instant and reached a Pal'Adian. He pulled of the Pal'Adian's left arm and started munching on it.

"No.. Stop!" Kalan shouted, but it sounded like whispers.

After eating the arm the bull alien proceeded to rip the Pal'Adian in half, starting from his right shoulder down diagonally. During the whole fight, the Pal'Adian never showed fear. After being ripped in to, he knew he could no longer live.

*Burrrrr* *Boooom* He self-destructed! He showed a determined face before he died.

"STOP! STOP!" Kalan shouted as the tears continued to fall. His body trembled, his tail jerked. His hands clenched tight into fists as his nails dug deep into his palms. Blood slowly dripped, but Kalan did not seem to have noticed it or felt any pain.

*Slash* Another Pal'Adian died, this one was beheaded by the seahorse alien's sharp trident.

"AAAHH!" Kalan shouted as he charged at the seahorse alien.

"Ha! You're seeking your own demise!" The seahorse alien showed a delighted cruel smile as he stared at Kalan with hatred. If not for the Pal'Adians suicidal attacks, he would have wanted to kill Kalan first for breaking his arm.

Kalan rushed at the seahorse alien and punched hard, but it was easily received by him.

"Haha! Trash!" The seahorse alien said as he punched Kalan. He wanted to torture this Saiyan brat, how could he possibly let this monkey have an easy death after breaking his arm? He felt immense hatred for the weak monkeys, and they even dared to rebel against the strongest force in the universe! The Frieza Force!

"Gua-" Kalan spit out saliva as he flew backwards.

"Stop! Leave this child alone!" The remaining 3 Pal'Adians hurriedly stepped in front of Kalan to protect him.

"Hehehe, don't forget me." The bull alien said as he started rushing at the 3.

"Kaioken 3x!" Kalan shouted, he was no match for them and immediately remembered to turn on Kaioken.

*Woosh* A strong Ki surged out. Kalan flashed forward just in time before the bull alien managed to reach the Pal'Adians.

*Boom* A strong explosion occurred as Kalan and the bull alien clashed, the explosion pushed them apart. The bull alien was stronger and took a dozen steps back before stabilizing his footing, Kalan was blow far back as he finally managed to stop the recoil.

"What a strong monkey!" The bull alien commented.

"How can this brat be so strong! Is she the rumored legendary Super Saiyan?!?" The seahorse alien shouted in fear. He could tell he wasn't Kalan's match.

"It doesn't matter today she will die! Come help me kill her!" The bull alien said.

The 2 aliens teamed up and fought Kalan, the explosion's of their fight was so strong the remaining Pal'Adians was blow far away and had no way to join the battle.

"So strong! It's over... The proud Pal'Adian's grave turns out to be here... After fleeing from East Galaxies for a dozen years we still didn't manage to lose their chase." The leader Pal'Adian sighed and shook his head.

*Boom* *Bam* *Crack*

Kalan already was at a disadvantage just fighting the Bull alien, now that the seahorse alien joined hands to fight him, he got totally demolished, his rib cage broke. He spit out blood.

"Ku-" Kalan grunted.

"Hahaha today is your death anniversary!" The seahorse alien shouted excitedly.

"Kaioken 4x!" Kalan shouted, his Ki had fallen considerably and his body severely wounded. Greatly impairing his battle power.

"Kaioken 5x!" His body already couldn't handle any more Kaioken but Kalan persisted.

*Boom* Kalan was blown down and crashed on the planet below. A 10 meter deep crater was created. The Kaioken was released.

[Beep! Host is severely injured. System advises host to teleport away.]

"System what's my status..." Kalan ignored the system and asked.

[Host's Status:

Name: Kalan

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Elite Class Innate latent Battle Power), 100% Namekian (Low Class)

Talent: Space affinity(B), ?

Passive Abilities: Great Strength, Great Endurance, Strong Regenerative Power, Superior Senses, Heightened Instincts, Heightened Ki Sense (2x)

Active Abilities: Healing, Telepathy, Teleport(Instant Transmission), Kaioken(3x), Spirit Bomb(D-), Split Body, Regenerate Body

Age: 6 Years 7 Months

Estimated lifespan: 500 years

Body State: Semi-Critical, Ruptured Organs

Battle Power: 80,000 (554,380)

Ki Control: 995(B++)]

"Right, healing..." Kalan thought as he put his hand on his chest and tried to heal.

"I guess I can't... The senzu bean." Kalan thought as he took out a senzu bean.

*Boom* *Splash* *Pyo* Kalan heard explosions, blood splatter and energy beams sound.

"Ahh!" Non-combatant Pal'Adians screamed. Kids, women and elderly were all indiscriminately killed by alien soldiers.

Kalan felt rage. He moved his hand to put the senzu bean in his mouth.


"Hahaha! Sneaky monkey! What do you think you're doing?" The seahorse alien landed next to Kalan and slapped the senzu bean out of his hand. He quickly grabbed it and ate it.

*Gulp* *Ba-dum*

"What an amazing item!" The seahorse alien said as he felt all his injuries heal and his Ki fully restored. As he was the weaker one of the 2, he received the majority of Kalan's crazed attacks and had suffered quite a few injuries.

[Beep! Host is in imminent danger! Taking self-preservation actions!]

[Beep! Deducted 1000 System Points. Gathering Blutz Waves...]

*Dok* *Dok*

Kalan suddenly felt his body heat up as his heartbeat quickened and beat harder and harder.

*Howl* A bestial howl came from Kalan.

Kalan rapidly enlarged as he transformed into a great ape.

"How is this possible?!?" Both the bull alien and seahorse alien was astonished by Kalan's great ape transformation. They quickly turned their heads to look for a moon.

"Impossible! There is no moon! Impossible! Impossible!" The seahorse shouted in disbelief.

Due to their shock, they failed to stop Kalan's transformation.


"My battle power is just 80,000 right now... Even with great ape transformation it's just 800,000. I need to use Kaioken 3x. No 4x is better!" Kalan thought quickly.

*Howl* "Kaioken 4x!" Kalan howled out. As he had never tried Kaioken in great ape form he was quite clumsly. The effect was almost just as effective as a 3x but he suffered the side effects equal to an 8x Kaioken.

[Beep! Host's condition is critial! ...Organ failure..]

The system kept sounding.

"I'll finish this quick!" Kalan thought as he grabbed the bull alien and crushed him with his hand.

*Splatter* The bull alien's body exploded into pieces as blood, bones and flesh flew freely.

"Noo!" The seahorse alien shouted in fear as he hurriedly retreated.

"Die!" Kalan howled out as he shot out a mouth energy beam and turned the seahorse alien into dust.

The other alien soldier's saw the scene and paled, they quickly turned around and ran. But Kalan wasn't willing to let any of them run. He hurriedly shot energy beams all over and killed over 100 alien soldiers, but some still managed to escape.

Kalan's great ape transformation was undone as he fell unconscious.