Embrace The Saiyan Blood

"Damn you! Your battle power isn't 120,000! My 2nd form has a battle power over 1 million! It's impossible for you to even remotely wound me. You actually hid your real battle power! That damned Cooler hid this information from me!" Frieza said with hatred. Kalan wouldn't have needed to transform into a great ape if it wasn't that Cooler's commanders were stronger than him.

Kalan knew by this point it was impossible for him to kill Frieza. After all his 100% final form had a battle power of over 100 million. But Kalan didn't leave, he stared at Frieza as he felt an odd feeling bubbling up inside him.

"What. Is. This. Feeling?" Kalan said word for word as he felt his body heating up. His heart beat faster and stronger, his blood surged like a raging river. It was a first for Kalan to feel such a feeling, as he had never felt it before. At first Kalan was distressed that he failed to assassinate Frieza. But now, what he felt wasn't disappointment. But rather he was glad that he failed.

Kalan felt his breath quicken, his fist clenched as they shook. Kalan felt the adrenaline rush up his head as he shook in excitement. He wanted to battle! His fear, disappointment, worries all kinds of emotions were erased. All he felt was joy and excitement. His blood boiled as Kalan's face flushed red.

"Hahaha!" Kalan laughed out loud.

"Monkey! What are you laughing for? Did you turn dumb after realizing your doom?" Frieza said discontently.

"I understand! Now! Why! Goku would leave his enemies alive! Why he would feed senzu beans to his enemies! It wasn't because he wanted to have a fair battle! He just wanted an exciting battle! What fun is there in beating a weak opponent. Only a strong opponent would make your blood boil in excitement!" Kalan said under his breath as he smiled.

"So this is what being a Saiyan means..." Kalan smiled as he stepped forward step by step until he stood face to face with Frieza. He had release his Ki blades, he wanted to battle with his fists.

"Monkey even if you turned insane I'll torture you slowly. After daring to hurt this emperor don't think you'll have an easy death." Frieza said with a cruel smile.

*Boom* A strong explosion of energy spread outwards as Kalan and Frieza suddenly clashed.

The room broke from the strong clash between Kalan and Frieza. Both fighters continued their clash in space.

*Boom* *Bang* *Swoosh*

Although they were quite a distance from Planet Vegeta, the strong energy shockwaves managed to turn hundreds of alien soldiers surrounding the planet to dust. Even a few unlucky Saiyan's seeing the exciting battle flew too close and got blow away and heavily wounded.

"What's going on? What a frightening power!" A Saiyan warrior said as he continued watching the battle.

"Is it King Vegeta? I saw him enter Lord Frieza's spaceship earlier!" Another Saiyan guessed.

Kalan punched forward with all his might as his right fist clashed with Frieza's shin. Frieza in return swung his tail at Kalan. Kalan's left hand made a grabbing motion as he grabbed Frieza's tail and tugged, Frieza was pulled toward's Kalan and Kalan immediately threw a heavy punch in the gut.

"Gwua- " Frieza grunted as a small stream of blood trickled out of his mouth.

"Monkey you're stronger than I expected, but I must regrettably tell you that this is only a warm up." Frieza said as he wiped the blood from his mouth.

"I'll let you experience 2% of my strength." Frieza said arrogantly as he spread his fingers open and arms wide and stood with crossed legs.

Frieza's battle power skyrocketed to 4,000,000! Earlier during the warm up his battle power was 2,000,000 which was quite even with Kalan's as such he had a slight advantage in the earlier battle in both battle power and being the only one able to sense Ki.

*Bam* Kalan was blow far away by Frieza's fist.

"Heh. Indeed the warm up is over! Kaioken 2x!" Kalan said as he activated 2x Kaioken to evenly match Frieza. Kalan didn't use Kaioken earlier because he knew Frieza was hiding his strength. As Kalan embraced his Saiyan blood, he no longer fought sneakily or dirty. It wasn't that he wanted a fair battle, he just wanted to have a hard struggling battle. That was what made him most excited!

*Bam* *Boom* Kalan clashed with Frieza and got the upper hand in the battle, he repeatedly drew blood and bruised Frieza. And the system naturally absorbed every loose cell and blood particles.

"Damned monkey! How can you be this strong! The game is over! I'll have you experience 5% of my strength!" Frieza said angrily as he did not expect him to lose the fight. Although Frieza suffered many bruises, Kalan was almost equally hurt as the difference in power was little.

*Boom* A strong energy shockwave exploded out as Frieza's battle power rose to a shocking 10,000,000.

"It's not over yet! Kaioken 5x" Kalan said excitedly as he activated 5x Kaioken. A strong energy shockwave exploded out and clashed with Frieza's shockwave.

*Boom Boom Boom* The energy shockwaves cancelled each other out.

*Boom* *Bang* *Clang* The fight continued and they were quite equally matched again.

"How is this possible! No you can't be this powerful!" Frieza shouted in disbelief as he started to worry.

"Is he improving in the battle?!? No this can't do! His tail! I need to remove it before he transforms into a great ape!!" Frieza mumbled fearfully as he remembered Kalan's Saiyan tail. He was afraid that if Kalan were to turn into a great ape. Even he wouldn't be sure if he could win against Kalan.

*Booooom* Frieza increased his battle power to 60,000,000! This was 50% of his power but he didn't forewarn Kalan. Instead immediately after releasing his powers he flashed behind Kalan and ripped of his tail.


"Argh!" Kalan grunted in pain as he turned around to find Frieza holding his ripped off tail.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Here you can have it back." Frieza said sarcastically as he flung the tail at Kalan hard.

*Pia* The tail whipped Kalan hard as his ragged clothes cut open diagonally from his chest. A red line with blood trickling out from Kalan's chest could be seen from the aftermath.

"Huff, Huff..." Kalan had reached his limit using Kaioken 5x. It must be known that his under developed body limited him from using Kaioken 5x for a long battle.

"Kaioken 10x!" Kalan did not want the battle to end yet and forcefully activated 10x Kaioken.

*Bang* Frieza whipped his tail at Kalan.

Kalan's battle power was still way lower than Frieza's 60 million and was naturally flung far away.

"Monkey you can still increase your power. I cannot let you live, or else someday you will turn into the legendary Super Saiyan!" Frieza said fearfully as he had seen Kalan continuously increase his battle power again and again at an unprecedented pace.

*Swish* Frieza flashed forward and his tail wrapped around Kalan's neck and pulled Kalan in front of him.

*Bang* Frieza punched Kalan hard in the gut.

"Monkey, rejoice that I'll not torture you. Instead I'll send you to hell. But don't worry, you won't be lonely. I'll send the rest of the monkeys to accompany you. Hohoho." Frieza laughed cruely.

"Huff, huff... So this is it..." Kalan thought as he knew the battle was over.

*Grand Elder please summon the dragon and wish for all the Saiyans that will truthfully follow me and all the babies to be teleported to Planet Carefree once Planet Vegeta is about to be destroyed.* Kalan who finally left the euphoric state of a Saiyan in battle suddenly remembered that he had not finished his preparations for his race yet. He knew that Frieza would not kill all the Saiyans one by one but instead destroy the whole planet.

*Hear me! All Saiyans! I am Kalan, the one battling Frieza. King Vegeta has already died. And Frieza intends to exterminate our race! Everyone who is willing to follow me, I'll promise a path of life!* Kalan projected his voice over Planet Vegeta, as he used his telepathy, Frieza had no idea and didn't hear anything.

"Lord Kalan! We will follow you! We're not afraid of death!" Some hotblooded Saiyans shouted loudly.

"No way! It must be because King Vegeta rebelled! Frieza is intending to take out his anger on our race! Damned King Vegeta!" Some cursed.

"No! We have to get revenge for King Vegeta!" Some loyalist shouted.

"This is impossible! Lord Frieza just intends to take out the rebels! Everyone calm down! Don't rush in to the fight!" Some brain dead fans of Frieza tried to convince everyone.