Army of Saibamen

It's been 3 months since Kalan and Bardock arrived on Planet Sadala. They had discovered many great apes and had carefully avoided them. Planet Sadala was also in constant night with the 3 blood red full moons always hanging in the sky. Kalan and Bardock had to be careful and not look at the moon so as not to turn into a great ape as being bigger made them easier to be spotted.

Kalan and Bardock were meditating inside a cave. It was quite safe as the Ancient Saiyans seemed to be unintelligent and also could not sense Ki. Of course they could sometimes randomly come over and smash whatever mountains and cliffs they see. But Kalan and Bardock would quickly move away once they sensed a great ape moving toward their direction.

Due to the dangerous surroundings. Kalan and Bardock did not dare spar as the loud noise could easily attract Ancient Saiyans. Bardock especially gained a alot due to this environment he got more patient and meditated with higher proficiency now. His battle power had thus increase to over 2,000,000. Of course the weird pulsing feeling they felt as their heart beat in sync with seemed to also have been the reason for his quick increase their strength.

"System show me my status." Kalan said.

[Host's Status:

Name: Kalan

Main Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Elite Class Innate latent Battle Power), 30% Mutated Saiyan (Legendary Super Saiyan), 100% Namekian (Super Namekian), 30% Mutated Frost Demon(Frieza Bloodline), 100% Frost Demon(Mid Class)

Talent: Space affinity(B), ?

Passive Abilities: Greater Strength, Greater Endurance, Stronger Regenerative Power, Superior Senses(2x), Heightened Instincts(2x), Heightened Ki Sense (3x), Enhanced Survival(No Oxygen), Enhanced Lifespan

Active Abilities: Healing, Enhanced Telepathy, Teleport(Instant Transmission), Magic Materialization, Spawn Egg, Split Body, Regenerate Body,

Combat Techniques: Super Saiyan(Normal 65x, 2nd Grade 80x, 3rd Grade 100x),Kaioken(5x), Spirit Bomb(C), Ki Shaping(C-)

Age: 11 Years 0 Months

Estimated lifespan: 1,200 years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: 37,500,000

Ki Control: 1620(A+)]

It seemed that his strength, endurance and regenerative powers had increased thanks to the mysterious pulsing.

"We can't just stay here like this... System how does Spawn Egg work?" Kalan thought that if this continued they would stay here for the rest of their lives living in hiding. He knew that King Piccolo could spawn his own subordinates and from the Namekians he knew that they could also use this ability to spawn new Namekians. Kalan wanted to see if he could make a large number or soldiers similar to how Cell made many Cell jr. and have them scout.

[Beep! Host can choose one of your bloodlines and appearances to give spawn eggs. Their talent and power is decided by the amount of lifespan and Ki host is willing to consume in order to spawn. Host is able to telepathically be connected to your own created beings and see and hear what they experience.]

"To be honest... The scene of King Piccolo vomiting out eggs covered in saliva is pretty disgusting... But I'll rather do that than live the rest of my life like this here..." Kalan thought and decided to consume some of his lifespans to make scouts.

"Of the bloodlines I have... None is what I really want to use to spawn living beings of... Not only do they cost a large amount of lifespans, they are all what I feel is inhumane to send off to their deaths..." Although he could make weaker Namekians, because he spent quite some time with Namekians he did not want to treat them like disposables.

[Beep! Host has some Saibamen seeds in the storage space. The Strongest System can absorb their cells and recreate it's bloodline for host.]

"Ugh. I don't really want to have their bloodline..." Kalan said as he though of the crazy looking ugly green aliens shouting and slashing their claws around.

[Beep! The bloodline can be saved inside the system and used by the host to Spawn Eggs.]

"That is an amazing ability! Doesn't that mean I can play God and create a myriads of races if I collect all kinds of bloodlines?" Kalan felt amazed. Although Kalan said so, he still felt uncomfortable to create real people.

[Beep! The Strongest System is not called the Strongest System for no reasons. If host has sufficient Origin Energy, the system can even slay Gods!] The system arrogantly stated.

"That does sound amazing... But where do I even get sufficient Origin Energy to smash a God to death? Won't I die before I can gather enough?" Kalan thought as he hadn't even managed to gather 1 unit worth of Origin Energy from his over 100 followers on Planet Carefree.

The system absorbed a Saibamen seed and Kalan started vomiting a few hundred eggs which quickly hatched into Saibamen.

"What in the world!" Bardock looked shocked at the shocking scene, first Kalan vomited a hundred gigantic eggs. Then they hatched into a hundred Saibamen!

"Don't think too much about it... It's the Namekian's ability to give birth through eggs. I just had it a bit modified to give me a lot of Saibamen to go scout the outside." Kalan said tiredly as he wiped the saliva off his mouth.

"System display what I've consumed." Kalan quickly said as he could not accurately tell by inspecting his body.

[Beep! Each Saibamen consumed 50,000 battle power and 3 years of lifespan. 100 Saibamen consumed 5,000,000 Battle Power and 300 years of lifespan.]

Due to the high gravity in Planet Sadala, Kalan had no choice but to make each Saibamen have 10,000 battle power in order to move freely.

"So much already? I had 1,200 years left to live now 900. No wonder the Grand Elder only gave birth to 100 Namekians. It indeed quickly uses up ones lifespan. If it wasn't because the Saibamen uses way less lifespan I fear I might have already halved my lifespan or even more." Kalan thought the Spawn Egg ability was amazing, but turns out it to be a terrifying monster eating one's lifespan.

Although Saibamen were rare commodities for Saiyans, it wouldn't cost too much for the current Kalan to have his followers to cultivate a thousand Saibamen seeds. Though they would only have around 1,000 in battle power. But the 100 Saibamen made by Kalan, although had 10 times as high battle power, had costed him 300 years of his lifespan.

"I hope they don't die too quickly, or else I might not live to leave this planet if I continue to spawn more Saibamen..." Kalan thought.

"I should ask for Eternal Youth like King Piccolo, that way I can spawn as many eggs as I want, though I still need to rest and recover or else it will still kill me from exhaustion." Kalan thought as he dreamed of an army of loyal soldiers. Eternal Youth allowed one to not die by natural causes, which means Kalan would practically have unlimited lifespan. Spawning eggs still took a lot out of Kalan, he was deeply exhausted and needed a long rest to recover, it wasn't an exhaustion of consuming his lifespan, but rather his body was exhausted.