Golden Great Ape

"Yamoshi's followers!" The humanoid Saiyan shouted, his tone filled with rage and killing intent upon seeing the besieged great ape.

The great ape was much smarter and would not foolishly meet each attack head on. He would move out of his way so sometimes another great ape got punched by one of their own causing them to angrily fight each other. Sometimes he would use his tail to grab a great ape's leg and pull them down to fall in front of him so to hinder the other great apes from attacking him from that direction.

Because if they just mindlessly ran over the fallen great ape and stepped on it. It would cause those two to fight. And if they did not step on the great ape, they would have to walk around to attack the smarter great ape.

"It's pretty intelligent! And the humanoid Saiyan just said it is Yamoshi's follower! But it is having such difficulties already to defend. Once the humanoid Saiyan joins..." Kalan thought happily but also worried.

Kalan had thought that maybe he could turn into a Super Saiyan after turning into a great ape. Then he might be strong enough to beat a group of great apes. But after meeting the humanoid Saiyan, he gave up the idea. He was worried that he would be recognized as Yamoshi's follower and get killed. Or even identified as Yamoshi. As it was known that Yamoshi's Super Saiyan state was a golden ape.

The Humanoid put down Kalan and Bardock as the three stood from afar and watched the scene.

"Why isn't he doing anything? What is his goal...?" Kalan wondered as he saw the humanoid Saiyan watch everything from afar.

*Rumble Rumble* *Boom Boom* Suddenly loud rumbling noises could be heard as the ground shook hard.

"That- That is Yamoshi!!" Kalan saw a golden gigantic ape over 200 meters tall running toward the besieged great ape. It was a lot larger than the other great apes, almost twice as big!

"YAMOSHIIII!!!!" The humanoid Saiyan shouted in extreme rage and his killing intent spread out shocking all the great apes. The great apes stopped besieging the smart great ape and turned around and looked at the humanoid Saiyan submissively.

Kalan and Bardock paled. The humanoid Saiyan and exploded out with great pressure and energy when it shouted in rage. The killing intent was so thick it felt like it was liquifying. As both of them stood behind the humanoid Saiyan in close proximity. They suffered the full brunt of the pressure.

Bardock had his skin crack as blood trickled out of the cracks. Kalan had a small trickle of blood seeping out of his mouth corner.

After shouting, the humanoid Saiyan immediately flew toward Yamoshi. It turns out he had purposely waited for Yamoshi to come rescue his follower. Luckily it had it's total focus on Yamoshi, otherwise if they saw the state Kalan and Bardock was in, he would suspect them not to be the same kind as him.

Kalan and Bardock looked each other in the eyes and showed wry smiles. They didn't even need to fight, just the pressure would kill them. They were too weak to change the outcome of the fight and could only helplessly watch and hope Yamoshi wins.

*Bang* *Boom* A tiny figure clashed with the gigantic golden ape. A strong air shockwave spread out as their clash created an air explosion.

*Burrr* *Fyuu* *Booooom* They clashed with their bodies and shot energy beams. The surrounding area was destroyed, the great apes hurriedly ran away. Kalan and Bardock also quickly ran far from the battle in fear of being hit by the residual energy.

"How can they be so strong! How could the Saiyans not be know throughout the universe if they had such incredible strength?!?" Kalan thought. The Saiyans from his time were not well know and not like King Kai had said, feared throughout the universe. Now he understood why they were feared throughout the universe! Which such unbelievable strength they could practically destroy the universe!

The battle was quite evenly matched, even though the humanoid Saiyan seemed to be on the weaker side, it's small figure made it harder for Yamoshi to land his attacks. The humanoid Saiyan's punch was the compressed and concentrated strength of a giant great ape over 100 meters tall. So each hit the humanoid Saiyan landed on Yamoshi caused a small bloody wound.

So although Yamoshi was dominating the battle with his greater strength, he suffered more injuries. As time went by more and more bloody wounds painted Yamoshi's golden furred great ape body.

Kalan and Bardock looked at each other with distress. If Yamoshi lost, they would have to keep pretending to be humanoid Saiyans, but in due time their pretense will be exposed. Especially since their strength are also much weaker than humanoid Saiyans. Kalan could fight a few great apes if he were to transform into a Super Saiyan 3rd grade. But that was still only with great apes. And the fact he could barely stay in the air made the fights against great apes incredibly disadvantaged for him, so much he might only be a match for one or two great apes. The fight between Yamoshi and the humanoid Saiyan was too terrifying. It made them lose all hope, all they could do was leave everything to fate.