Returning To The Future?

Kalan traveled through a dark tunnel very similar to the one which brought him and Bardock to the past.

"A space-time tunnel! Am I going back to my time now? I hope I don't get sent even further back in time... Otherwise I might not even have a chance to even find any dragon balls to help me at all.... Worst in worst I would rather wish for Eternal Youth and just sleep back to my original time..." Kalan prepared himself for the worst.

Because the space-time tunnel did not have air, Kalan did not needlessly bring out Bardock and Yamoshi from his storage space.

Kalan was not able to sense the time as we was pushed forward and advanced the space-time tunnel involuntarily yet again.

At last he finally saw light in front and left the space-time tunnel.

*Wurrr* *Fwooosh* A spatial vortex spit out Kalan, then it quickly disappeared. Space calmed down once again.

"I'm in the middle of the vacuum of space..." Kalan moved his head and observed his surroundings. All he saw was empty space.

"Not good! I need to hurry and go to somewhere with air! I'm not sure if Yamoshi can hold on." Kalan thought. Yamoshi did not know Pal'Adian's space combat arts and should be in a worse state than Bardock.

"System teleport to Earth! Quick!" Kalan shouted, he was worried he would take too long time to find out where he was and where Earth was from here.

[Beep! Deductiong 30,000 System Points. Teleporting!]


The system immediately teleported in an instant, much faster than Kalan's teleportation.

*Fwoosh* A vortex distorting light appeared somewhere on Earth as Kalan slowly emerged from the vortex.

*Swoosh Swoosh* Kalan quickly pulled out Yamoshi and Bardock from his storage space.

"That really took a long time! I'm not sure how Yamoshi is doing, but he still has a pulse." Bardock immediately explained.

Kalan saw Yamoshi lying on the grass unconscious. He quickly took a look at his condition and found out he had passed out due to asphyxia. His skin had turned bluish grey.

"It's amazing he's still alive after so long! It must he his strong body!" Kalan thought as he quickly healed Yamoshi. Yamoshi's skin color quickly returned to his natural colors. Kalan was tempted to absorb Yamoshi's bloodline as all he needed to do was put his hand on Yamoshi and let the system surreptitiously absorb small amounts of blood and cells. But he decided to wait for Yamoshi to wake up and ask for permission instead.

"Ah? Did I really return to my time?" Kalan could sense Kami's Ki in the Lookout and was pleasantly surprised.

"He should be fine now. Let's bring him to a hotel and let him rest." Kalan said to Bardock. He lifted up Yamoshi and flew towards the closest city.

Kalan could easily materialize money with his Magic Materialization. He abused his ability and made lots of money and gave some to Bardock. Earth's food was really tasty, as a Saiyan Bardock would certainly love to indulge in some delicious food.

Kalan quickly rented a hotel room and put Yamoshi on the bed. He made sure to pay a lot of hush money to keep quiet and not disturb his room as he was carrying a unconscious man to a hotel room. Kalan also wrote on a paper about their current situation and to stay put until they return. He put it on the table so if Yamoshi were to wake up, he would not be too shocked or even suddenly disappear.

Kalan brought Bardock around the city and had him try all kinds of tasty food, barbecued meat, fried food, noodles, pizza. Kalan also made sure to fill up his his storage space with good food this time. Last time he was not prepared to travel to the past so they had to rely on senzu beans during their 10 months stay on Planet Sadala. A senzu bean's texture is a cross between unripe bean and a celery stalk and it tasted somewhat like a fish. A very bland taste. Luckily Kalan had taken a full pot of senzu when he had visited Korin.

When Kalan and Bardock returned to the hotel room, they saw a sad Yamoshi grieving over his dead companions. There was nothing they could do to comfort him.

"You should be hungry. We brought you some food." Kalan said and pulled out some food from his storage space and put them on the table.

"Well I can understand where all the food went considering Yamoshi's over 200 meter tall great ape body..." Kalan thought silently. Yamoshi indeed had a great appetite, in fact he ate more than Kalan and Bardock.

"This actually isn't our timeline... At least the time is close to ours. At least I do not have to worry about those fearsome Ancient Saiyans anymore." Kalan thought. He had wanted to invite Yamoshi to Planet Carefree, but he noticed that it was uninhabited when he sent out his telepathy senses.

"Yamoshi this is the future somewhere in Age 700+ about a 1000 years in the future. And close to Bardock and mine's timeline. We still intend to find a way back to our timeline. What about you...? Planet Sadala would have been destroyed either way as it was recorded as such in our history. So don't feel guilty about it." Kalan said.

"I wish to be alone... I intend to travel far and explore the universe. Kalan thank you for saving me." Yamoshi did not see it necessary for him to try to go to another timeline as both Kalan's timeline and here were foreign to him. He had lost his home, his whole race and was stranded in a different time. With his current sorrows he simply wished to explore the universe.

"Maybe time will heal his sorrows..." Kalan thought and did not ask Yamoshi to come to his timeline. He explained the current history and gave Yamoshi his spaceship and filled it full with food.

"Yamoshi I wish to improve my bloodline to that of an Ancient Saiyan. Could I have some of your blood?" Kalan asked, the Ancient Saiyans were just to powerful. The power of the humanoid Saiyans' power was deeply imprinted in his mind. Kalan explained 'his' special ability to absorb cells and blood to a certain extent.

"That would be nice... Maybe one day the Ancient Saiyans will rise again..." Yamoshi commented. He probably thought Kalan's descendants would continue to spread the Ancient Saiyan Bloodline.

"Right! That is actually possible... But I still do not wish to personally birth them..." Kalan thought as he was reminded of his Spawn Egg ability. But he did not wish to become a 'mother' and the feeling of actually give birth to life was something he was not ready to experience. He decided not to tell Yamoshi of this.

Bardock did not seem to understand how powerful Kalan's Spawn Egg ability was as he did not react at all to Yamoshi's words.