Helping Nam's Village

Half a year passed and Kalan could finally stay in his Super Saiyan 2 transformation.

"System show me my status."

[Host's Status:

Name: Kalan

Main Race: Legendary Super Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Mutated Saiyan (Legendary Super Saiyan), 100% Saiyan (Elite Class Innate latent Battle Power), 100% Namekian (Super Namekian), 30% Mutated Frost Demon(Frieza Bloodline), 100% Frost Demon(Mid Class)

Talent: Space affinity(B), ?

Passive Abilities: Greater Strength, Greater Endurance, Super Regeneration, Superior Senses(2x), Heightened Instincts(2x), Heightened Ki Sense (3x), Enhanced Survival(No Oxygen), Eternal Youth

Active Abilities: Healing, Enhanced Telepathy, Teleport(Instant Transmission), Magic Materialization, Spawn Egg, Split Body, Regenerate Body, Telekinesis

Combat Techniques: Super Saiyan[ 1 (65x), 2 (130x)], Legendary Super Saiyan(Weak 120x, Normal 200x), Kaioken(5x), Spirit Bomb(C), Ki Shaping(C-)

Age: 14 Years 5 Months

Estimated lifespan: Unquantifiable

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: 62,000,000

Ki Control: 989(B++)]

"Great! My Super Saiyan 2 transformation actually has a multiplier of 130x! It's exactly double my Super Saiyan 1!" Kalan thought happily. Due to having the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline, his normal Super Saiyan transformations were stronger than normal. But the multiplier did not increase even more after Kalan changed his main race, that was due to his normal Super Saiyan transformation relied on his elite class Saiyan bloodline and not the Legendary Super Saiyan bloodline. Once he could control his Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, he could use the knowledge he had from his normal Super Saiyan 2 to advance his Legendary Super Saiyan to Legendary Super Saiyan 2!

"I'm about to be out of food... Let's make a quick refill." Kalan thought, he had been eating the food he had stored in his storage space whenever he was away from Earth. He also often shared his food with his friends and family in Planet Carefree.

Kalan teleported to East City and took a stroll around the restaurants. He first tried all dishes and then decided if he wanted to buy a large quantities of them and store them in his storage space.

After filling up both his stomach and his storage space, he flew on his cloud toward Nam's village.

"Let's see if his village already has a drought..." Kalan thought while riding his cloud towards the far southwestern corner. Nam's village was in the desert.

"I can't think of which idiot would actually build a village in a desert... Wouldn't they run out of water sooner or later?" Kalan mumbled.

Kalan arrived in the desert and sensed for Ki. He sensed a lone man walking the opposite direction of a large group of people, he was walking toward the desert's exit, to the north.

"Hm... is that maybe Nam? there's still more than 2 years until the next World Martial Arts Tournament... But he sure is far away from an airport. It probably will take him more than a year to travel to Papaya Island..." Kalan thought. There were no airports nearby the desert. The Martial Arts Temple was located in Papaya Island. So Nam would need to go to a nearby city and fly over to Papaya Island. He might be leaving now to make sure no accidents will make him late for the tournament.

Nam had to make sure he won the tournament, he needed the prize money to buy water for his village's crops.

"But really? Buy water? Just go to the sea and cook the water, let the steam condense and you got drinkable water." Kalan thought. The sea was closer than than the desert's exit.

Kalan quickly flew on his cloud to the person he believed would possibly be Nam.

"Oh! It really is Nam! Great!" Kalan mumbled when he saw the lone man wandering in the desert with a cloth bag tied to his back.

"Hey!" Kalan flew down and called out.

"Wha- This! You-" Nam was so surprised to see a teen boy fly over on a cloud.

"Hehehe. Don't be too surprised. There'll be more surprises later." Kalan teased.

"Amithaba, are you a deity sent to save my village?" Nam prayed and asked Kalan who was sitting on the floating cloud.

"Uh... I'm not a deity for sure. But how about I teach you martial arts?" Kalan did not know why he would be mistaken left and right, either as an angel or a deity... He was just riding on a cloud.

"I need to make more people climb Korin Tower..." Kalan thought, since everyone who managed to climb Korin Tower would be rewarded with a Flying Nimbus. Of course only people with pure hearts could ride them.

"I see, young boy, I need to travel to Papaya Island and participate in the World Martial Arts Tournament which is in 3 years time. I must hurry. I do not have time to train in martial arts." Nam declined Kalan's offer.

"Don't be so stiff. I'll give your village some water first alright?" Kalan rolled his eyes, it seems that Nam didn't think Kalan was strong considering his age.

Kalan used his telekinesis, picked up Nam and put him on his cloud.

"See? That wasn't so difficult. Come let's go to your village now." Kalan said and flew towards Nam's village without his consent.

"What! I- I'm flying on a cloud??" Nam stuttered in shock.

They arrived in Nam's village after a few minutes. What took Nam weeks to travel was covered in minutes by Kalan's cloud.

"Such speed!" Nam exclaimed in amazement. He had to leave his village several years earlier just to get to Papaya Island in time. But with the cloud. He probably would reach there in a day if not less!

Kalan had his cloud land. Kalan and Nam got of the cloud and got greeted by the villagers.

"Nam what happened? Who is this..?" They were surprised Nam came back after a few weeks of travel. But what shocked them the most was that the two had flown over on a cloud.

"Show me where you store the water. You wouldn't want me to splash all the water on the desert sand right?" Kalan said and materialized a bit of water on his hands, and let it drop down to the sand.

"Ah! A deity has come to save our village!" The villages shouted and got down on their knees and prayed. Not only had Kalan come flying on a cloud, he could also create water from his hands. The village had suffered greatly from the drought. They believed a deity had come to their rescue!