Grand Kai's Student

Kalan hadn't gone all out on Pikkon after transforming into Super Saiyan, that was mainly due to him not wanting to overly hurt Pikkon before he got serious and lower his overall battle power. Maybe due to this fight simply being in a tournament, or maybe this was the Saiyan blood acting on Kalan. After all, what was most exciting was a stronger opponent. Instead of prematurely beating up a strong opponent before they get the chance to go all out, Saiyans like Goku and Vegeta had always waited until their opponent were at their strongest.

*Boom Boom* *Bang Bang* Pikkon and Kalan disappeared from the stage, the started clashing at high speed. Many small craters and cracks appeared all other the stage as the two of them flashed around and clashed over and over again.

"You're really strong, Kalan." Pikkon said and jumped up to space.

"You too, Pikkon!" Kalan smiled and followed him up to space.

Pikkon's Ki flared, the space shook as he started spinning around and around. Strong wind gathered and a small tornado appeared. It grew quickly into a giant tornado spinning haphazardly.

"Hyper Tornado!" Pikkon directed the tornado at Kalan, it suddenly spun quickly toward Kalan.

Kalan soon found himself trapped inside the tornado, the strong winds tore at his body as he spun around in the tornado.

"Incredible. Once caught, it's impossible to leave without bursting out with a much stronger power." Kalan analysed the tornado.

"Ahahaha! Go! Pikkon!" West Kai cheered happily.

"Ahh! Kalan, don't lose! Hang in there!" King Kai looked worriedly at Kalan who was spinning around the tornado, his clothes torn from the strong tearing force.

"Haaa!" Kalan pushed out all his Ki in an instant, it was a technique often used by Goku, by exploding his strength in a single instant, he could output a much higher battle power than he really had, and the single instant is so short that if done right, would not exhaust him too fast.

*Boom* The tornado was torn apart by the strong energy blasted out by Kalan.

"What!?" Pikkon held great confidence over this technique, but it was so easily torn apart by Kalan.

"You're open!" Pikkon was so surprised he let his guard down, Kalan took the opportunity to rush at him.

*Bang* Pikkon was late in blocking, but still managed to use his arms to block the attack, he was sent flying and crashed into a meteoroid.

Pikkon was slightly hurt, but managed to get back quickly. He rushed out and like Frieza's Nova Strike, he covered himself in think Ki and rushed at Kalan head first.

"Ki Sword!" Kalan used the Ki Sword he had practiced before to kill Frieza. His hands held in knife hand, the Ki extended from his hands into several dozens of centimeter long sword blades.

Pikkon immediately stopped his Nova Strike, if he continued, his head would be pierced through by Kalan's Ki Sword.

"It seems like I have to use my trump card." Pikkon stood calmly above Kalan.

Pikkon swayed his arms around his body as he produced a blue flame-like aura. Then, he drew his hands out to his sides and closes them into fists as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"Thunder Flash!" Pikkon continued by drawing his fists together in front of him and an over 2 meter long millstone thick pillar of spinning orange flame shot out toward Kalan.

"Shit!" Kalan could already feel the incredibly hot flames even before it had reached him. There were no comparisons at all to the flames in Mt. Frypan.

"HAAAAAA!" Kalan had no choice but to explode his Ki, he quickly exploded out with all his might and transformed into Super Saiyan 2. The thick yellow Ki aura generated by his new transformation managed to shield him from the incredibly hot burning flames. His Ki flared and exploded, the flames was sent flying in all directions. The audience had to escape from the burning hot flames that were sent flying by Kalan's Ki aura exploding.

"What kind of monsters are they...?" The Kais looked horrified by the two's might. They could see that a third of the stage had been melted flat.

Though the audience tried to escape, they still all got burned badly, even the four Kais and the Grand Kai were burnt by the flames.

*Shi Shi Shi* Kalan's yellow Ki aura moved agitatedly, arcs of electricity could be seen crawling over his body. He was hurt and his clothes were burnt black, he tried to transform as fast as he could, but he still did not manage in time.

Pikkon continued preparing another Thunder Flash, not giving Kalan a moment of rest.

"Ka...Me...Ha...Me..." Kalan charged his Kamehameha, he wasn't going to be a sitting duck and wait for Pikkon's next Thunder Flash to hit him. A thick blue ball of highly concentrated Ki gathered between Kalan's two hands, spinning quickly.

"Uwaah!" The audience hurriedly retreated, they could sense the tension in the air.

"Thunder Flash!" Pikkon shot out yet again another millstone thick pillar of flames at Kalan.

"HAAAAA!" Kalan shot out his Kamehameha right at the pillar of flame.

*BOOOOM* The blue pillar of Ki smashed into the red flaming pillar of flames and exploded. A bluish white flash blinded everyone.

*Bang* Pikkon was flung out of the stage and crashed into the wall of the audience stand.

"Ha... Ha... Ha..." Kalan breathed heavily, although he was stronger than Pikkon, he suffered badly from his unpreparedness of Pikkon's Thunder Flash. His Kamehameha had contained the majority of his energy. Coupled with the injuries, he was quite tired, but his battle power had dropped below half his maximum. He could still fire another powerful Kamehameha before being drained. The Kamehameha was powerful, but there wasn't much technical skills to it, just pump out as much energy as possible and spin it fast to concentrate the energy. So it's energy expenditure was as great as its power.

It took the audience a long while before recovering and started cheering on Kalan.

"The winner of the Other World's Tournament is Kalan!!" The mushroom man also recovered and hurriedly announced.

"Hahaha! Great! Great! Kalan won! Kalan won! Ahahaha!" King Kai jumped around and danced happily.

"Kalan sure is lucky, now he'll receive Grand Kai's personal teachings and become even stronger... Grand Kai-sama congratulations on receive such a talented student!" East Kai congratulated Grand Kai.

"Ah? That's right, I promised to teach the winner..." Grand Kai thought.

Grand Kai hurriedly browsed through the rule book, but unfortunately did not find anything to disqualify Kalan. There wasn't any mention about a living person participating in the tournament since it was the Other World Tournament, which normally didn't have other living beings except for Kais, ogres and Other World beings. But there had never been a living that had participated in the tournament before. Grand Kai had shot himself in the foot by personally approving Kalan's participation.

"But he's still a living person, I can probably find some excuse to kick him out of Other World..." Grand Kai thought and calmed down.

"Congratulations North Kai, your student managed to become Grand Kai-sama's student." East and South Kai congratulated King Kai.

"Hahaha. It's such a happy occasion, right?" King Kai happily jumped around West Kai.

"I guess I'll be taking the West Kai Planet, right?" King Kai stuck his face onto West Kai's. He could already imagine his new Kai Planet being much larger than his current tiny one.

"I got it!" West Kai pushed away King Kai's face in annoyance.

"You got me." Pikkon said as he shook Kalan's hand.

"Your Thunder Flash almost got me too. If I was a moment slower in defending..." Kalan smiled. It was such an exciting fight. Much better than the one he fought in life and death against Frieza. The itchiness he had from the many years of abstaining from an exciting battle was finally gone. His mind felt so much more relaxed.

"Train hard with Grand Kai-sama." Pikkon walked away.

Kalan was brought in front of Grand Kai's seat, Grand Kai spoke a few words to Kalan and told him to meet him in his residence after the tournament.

The audience cheered excitedly upon seeing Kalan actually become Grand Kai's student. The Kais also didn't dare look down on Kalan for being a mere mortal anymore. Being Grand Kai's student meant Kalan's status was no less than them. Of course, the happiest of them all was still King Kai, not only did Kalan become Grand Kai's student. He also receive West Kai Planet!