King Kai's New Planet

Luckily everyone saw Kalan as Grand Kai's student. So Kalan would often to to Grand Kai's residence and ask the chefs to cook for him. He was making himself at home at Grand Kai's residence, but it wasn't totally his fault. He couldn't meet Grand Kai and ask for his permission anyway.

"Right, it's been months already, I forgot to give the car to King Kai." Kalan remembered his promise with King Kai.

Kalan locked on King Kai's Ki and teleported.

"Eh?" Kalan arrived on a huge planet that was dozens of times larger than King Kai's Planet, the gravity was about 20x, Kalan did care about the gravity so he didn't have the system measure it. For him 10x or 20x gravity wasn't any different from 1x.

"Hohoho! Kalan, you finally came to visit me!" King Kai happily welcomed Kalan. It seemed that he had been waiting for him.

"Look! Just how big my new planet is now! It's all thanks to West Kai's generous 'donation'." King Kai bragged and pulled Kalan around the planet to show him how great it was.

Kalan saw the Snake Way's tail from afar. From the position, he could tell that the new planet was placed in King Kai's old planet's spot. As for his old planet, it was kicked a distance away and could still be seen in the distance.

"How the heck did he manage to pull the planet here..." Kalan felt mystified, West Kai Planet was so large, and the distance between all the four cardinal Kai planets were really far away from each other.

Kalan saw many greeneries, trees and a small sea. There were also many roads on the planet, unfortunately King Kai did not have a spare car.

"King Kai, I got a gift for you." Kalan smiled and ordered the system to replicate Grand Kai's car.

A brand new 1958 Cadillac Series 62 car appeared on the empty road.

"A, a, a 1958 Cadillac Series 62 car!?" King Kai yelled in surprise.

"Y-You didn't still this from Grand Kai-sama, did you?" King Kai hurriedly asked in worry.

"Don't worry, his car is still outside his house." Kalan assured.

"Ahahaha! My own 1958 Cadillac Series 62! It's the 1958 Cadillac Series 62!! Ah! My love!" King Kai jumped around and touched every spot of the car, he even kissed it several times.

Kalan cringed upon seeing King Kai's actions, he hurriedly backed up.

A long time later, King Kai recovered from his reveries.

"Hahaha! Good job, Kalan! Hahaha! You're the best!" King Kai happily skipped around and praised Kalan.

"I promised you a new car." Kalan simply smiled while watching the foolish acts of King Kai.

King Kai proceeded to explain what had happened after he left Grand Kai's Planet. First he strutted arrogantly around West Kai's Planet while waiting for him to pack up all his belongings. The rudely pulled away his planet.

But that wasn't all, the four Kais had also been talking to each other after the tournament, in the past, there was great rivalry between each other. But now, the other three could only helplessly look at the arrogant King Kai bragging about his student, Kalan who had now become Grand Kai's student. But they had to agree to Kalan's greatness, he was so strong already, now he was receiving personal teaching from the great Grand Kai-sama. They could already imagine their old rivalry break down. The only rivalry left would be between the three Kais, the South, East and West Kais would still compete with each other.

King Kai was still euphoric and chattered ecstatically, his saliva splattered at Kalan continuously. Kalan dodged each drop of saliva like his life depended on it, at least his dodging ability reached a new height after the talk due to this.

Kalan also quickly greeted Bubbles and Gregory who were happily frolicking on King Kai's new a bigger planet.

"Let's meet the Snake Princess, it's been a long time." Kalan smiled and teleported to Snake Princess' Castle.

*Splash* Kalan had simply locked on Snake Princess' Ki and teleported to her. Upon arriving, he plummeted into the pool under him.

"Kyaa!" Snake Princess was resting in the hot spring when a young man suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Uh, hey! Long time no see!" Kalan smiled awkwardly. He didn't think he would suddenly appear in the hot spring with the Snake Princess naked in front of him.

"Hmph, tell me young man. You've already taken advantage of me. How are you going to compensate me?" Snake Princess hurriedly wrapped a towel around her body, with her face blushing she turned to Kalan.

"Come on, Snake Onee-san, have you already forgotten me?" Kalan shamelessly winked.

"Eh? Now that you say that... You look really familiar, those clothes, hair color and... Tail?! Ah? You are that little boy from before!" Snake Princess took a closer look at Kalan and started recognizing him.

"Yeah. Long time no see." Kalan said shamelessly, like what happened earlier never happened at all.

"Hmph, you said you would come visit Onee-san again, but you never came. You didn't even leave you name behind." Snake Princess crossed her arms and complained.

"Aren't I'm here now?" Kalan smiled.

"Hmph, but you sure grew handsome. Hehehe." Snake Princess stared dreamily at Kalan's face, she held had red flushed face with both her hands embarrassingly. Last time she met Kalan was when he was a little boy with a childish and girlish face, now it looked so handsome, her eyes turned into heart shapes as she continued staring at Kalan.

"I came here to eat." Kalan said.

"Hmph, and here I thought you missed me." Snake Princess pouted.

"Eh, I just happened to be nearby, so I decided to drop by." Kalan said honestly.

"You really don't know how to talk to a girl! I bet you'll never get a girlfriend!" Snake Princess snapped at Kalan.

"Don't worry I got a girlfriend already." Kalan said honestly.

"What?! That's not fair!!" Snake Princess eyes popped out. She started waving her hands in protest.

"You've already seen my naked body, you should take responsibility for it!" Snake Princess said cutely. She didn't try to use force like last time, she had already learned her lesson to not use force against those stronger than herself.

"But I already saw you naked when I was a kid." Kalan said shamelessly.

Kalan had a hearty meal before leaving a frustrated Snake Princess stamping her feet in anger as she watched the disappearing figure of Kalan teleporting away.

"How come the sleeping powder didn't work... I wanted to pretend we had slept together, then Kalan wouldn't have a choice but stay with me." Snake Princess muttered under her breath. She had the cooks add large amounts of sleeping powder in the food and drinks. But Kalan ate everything without feeling the slightest sleepy.