Handing Over The Dragon Balls

The group had some knowledge about Piccolo from the history books, they had also meet Master Roshi's master, Mutaito who had defeated King Piccolo 300 years ago and returned peace to the world. But Master Roshi who had also personally witnessed the battle between his master, Mutaito and King Piccolo, naturally had a better understanding of everything.

Master Roshi speculated King Piccolo took the tournament register to kill all the strong martial artists, he was most likely afraid of being sealed again and did not want to take any risks of letting any martial artist powerful enough to perform the Evil Containment Wave.

Mutaito wasn't King Piccolo's match, he had only managed to save the world by performing the Evil Containment Wave to seal King Piccolo, which was beyond his powers and had thus succumbed to his death after using it.

Master Roshi gave the group some more detailed explanations of King Piccolo's fearsome might, the group turned gloomy. Even though they knew Kalan was strong and easily defeated Mutaito, from the way Master Roshi described it, at best Kalan would be equal to King Piccolo. Maybe if everyone worked together, would they possibly be able to defeat him.

"Well, either way, I wouldn't do anything before he has his youth recovered. Otherwise he might die in a few years after sealing him..." Kalan thought for himself. King Piccolo had spawned several eggs after he escaped, although Kami and King Piccolo should have equal amounts of lifespans. King Piccolo had much less due to his reckless uses. Kalan never intended to actually kill King Piccolo, he wanted him to instead spawn Piccolo Jr. before he dies. Otherwise no only would one of the important characters die, even the dragon balls will disappear. He also owed Kami quite a lot for helping him train when he was a child, thus Kalan wouldn't let Kami die.

Kalan kept quiet and everyone decided to group up in Kalan's dojo, and discuss further actions. There was also Nam, which Master Roshi believed would be a strong asset to their team in defeating King Piccolo.

Everyone boarded a big plane capsule and flew toward Kalan's dojo. Bulma began making a storage capsule to store Krillin's body so it wouldn't rot.

By the time the group arrived, they could see Nam fighting a green demon man with a pair of wings. Nam was at a disadvantage as he did not know any energy attacks, the green demon flew in the air and sent Ki blasts at Nam.

Nam had tried flying on his cloud, but it ended up being destroyed by the demon's Ki blast, now he could only throw stones and branches at the demon. After awhile, the green demon decided to leave, he wasn't Nam's match and could only hover around in the air. If he continued sending more Ki blasts, he will tire himself out.

Kalan checked up on Nam and only saw a few bruises, there was a gap in their abilities, so the demon didn't dare to engage in close combat and only tried to attack from afar with Ki blasts.

The group began discussing how to deal with King Piccolo while Bulma continued tinkering a storage capsule for Krillin. They felt worried by how strong that demon clansman that fought Nam was. Although, not Nam's opponent, there would definitively be many more demon clansmen under King Piccolo.

The group didn't know what King Piccolo wanted with the dragon balls, and neither did they know where he was. So the decided on finding the dragon balls so King Piccolo couldn't find the rest. Kalan didn't really care about their discussion and continued eating a hearty meal, he had several maid droids serve him.

It took Bulma awhile to make a new dragon radar, she even had to go back to West City to pick up a few components. Several hours later, she came back with a new dragon radar.

While Kalan was still enjoying his meal, the group pulled him away from the table. Kalan also had a Flying Nimbus, it was much faster than any flying vehicles. So they had Kalan go collect the dragon balls.

"Well, all fine with me. I was going to think of a way to give Piccolo the dragon balls. This works just fine." Kalan thought.


"It's you!" Pilaf recognized Kalan immediately, there were only so many with tails after all, and his appearance also stood out.

"Give me the dragon balls and I'll spare your life." King Piccolo said threateningly.

"Here." Kalan threw the 5 dragon balls he had managed to gather to King Piccolo.

"He really looks exactly like Kami..." Kalan thought. Since the two of them had split into two, it wasn't weird for both of them to look exactly the same. Of course King Piccolo had a few more wrinkles as his lifespan was almost over.

Kalan had some time to spare so he went to the nearest town to have a hearty meal.

King Piccolo immediately summoned Shenron and wished for Eternal Youth, once finished he killed Shenron so no one could use it anymore. Amusingly, he had no idea that the dragon balls were created by Kami.


"Ah! That fool!" Kami clutched his head as he dumbfoundedly looked at the events that played out between King Piccolo and Kalan.

"If I knew this would have happened, I would have explained Piccolo's identity..." Kami thought Kalan had misunderstood and given the dragon balls to King Piccolo because he thought that was Kami. He regretted never telling his own origin to Kalan, he had believed King Piccolo would be sealed forever until they died of old age.


In Korin Tower

*Dong* Korin fell over, he had also been spying on King Piccolo, he never thought Kalan would simply had over the dragon balls to King Piccolo after being asked.

"That certainly is not Kami..." Korin shook his head regretfully. Also believing Kalan had foolishly believed King Piccolo to be Kami. After all, only he, Mr. Popo and Kami knew that King Piccolo looked exactly the same as Kami.

"Kami? Is it tasty?" Goku asked curiously while licking his finger.

"It's not food!" Korin snapped.

"Karin-sama! Please tell me how I can become stronger!" Goku asked.

"The Ultra Divine Water will bring out the potentials hidden deep in your body, but it is also a poison that will kill you. There has been 15 people drinking the Ultra Divine Water before you, and only one person survived. And the strength he gained was unimaginable, he is definitively capable of defeating King Piccolo." Korin said.

"Who is he? Who survived after drinking the Ultra Divine Water?" Goku asked curiously.

"He is Kalan, you should know him. He's like you, he also has a tail." Korin explained. He still remembered the awe-aspiring force Kalan released after drinking the Ultra Divine Water.

"Alright! I'll also drink it!" Goku said determined. He still remembered how Kalan had simply dealt with him in WMA with just his tail.

"Hey! Are you crazy? Why do you need to take such risk to fight King Piccolo again? Just leave it to that Kalan guy!" Yajirobe yelled.

"You sure? You don't need to take the risk and drink the Ultra Divine Water. You should leave King Piccolo to Kalan." Korin said.

"No! I have to avenge Krillin! I'll Kill Piccolo myself!" Goku said stubbornly, just the thought of Krillin's death made him mad again.

While Goku was rolling around in pain after drinking the Ultra Divine Water. Korin talked with the three Saibamen.

"Aren't you guys bored? You should get some exercise once in awhile. How about you guys go fight Piccolo?" Korin asked the Saibamen.

"Sha Sha."

"Sha Sha Sha." The Three Saibamen looked at Korin, then turned around and focused on the Senzu Plant again.

"...They're ignoring me again..." Korin shook his head. The only thing the Saibamen cared about was the Senzu Plant. They would eagerly listen to Korin's explanations and talks when it concerned the Senzu Plant. But once he talked about something else, they would ignore him.