Family Reunites

Kalan took a quick trip to Planet Carefree. He made a public announcement and handed over the throne to his little brother Broly. There wasn't much objections since Kalan almost never stayed here, and Broly had also shined with his talent as the strongest excluding Kalan. Not to mention, Broly was Kalan's little brother.

For some reason, they had to hold a ceremony, so after a few days, Kalan talked to Bardock and Gine about Raditz, both were happy to know that their whole family was safe, they agreed to head over to Earth, after an hour, they finished their preparations and Kalan teleported them to Earth.

"Earth... It's been a long time..." Bardock murmured. He remembered the feeling of Earth, the calm soothing atmosphere, weak gravity and green sceneries.

"Come on, let's go." Kalan brought the two to Kalan's dojo.

Even though it had only been a few days, there was a large group of people gathered around outside his dojo. It wasn't just his dojo members this time, he saw many scientists and engineers analyzing his energy scanner machine. Among the scientists was Dr. Brief and Bulma.

"Oh, Kalan you're back." Dr. Brief greeted, it had been many years since they last meet.

"Hello, Dr. Brief. What's going on here?" Kalan asked puzzled.

"Ohohoho, you see. We have been made aware of the dangers that exists outside space. Thanks to the spacepod Yamcha brought, I've even managed to make a spaceship. But what is most important is that we normal people that do not dabble in martial arts have no way to sense Ki. We have heard of your dojo's energy scanner, so we came here to see if we could somehow make a similar scanner." Dr. Brief explained. The earthlings have been made aware of the dangers of the aliens in space and wanted to improve their securities, one of the way is to have a large scale energy scanner so they could detect enemies much earlier.

This was also one of King Furry's orders, he was even prepared mass propaganda to increase the amounts of martial artists on Earth. The scientists and engineers were to mass produce energy scanners to have the whole Earth and a certain distance outside the planet under their surveillance.

"Oh, you can take this." Kalan took out his old scouterhe had gotten when he was a child from his storage space . It had a similar function, although the max battle power it could scan was much lower. But with geniuses like Dr. Brief and Bulma here, this small problem was nothing.

"Thank you. It seems there was no need to bright this whole entourage." Dr. Brief joked after receiving the scouter.

"Hmph!" Bulma looked at Kalan in annoyance, it seems she was still mad at him.

"Bulma, why don't you stay here?" Dr. Brief suggested.

"WHO WANTS TO STAY WITH THAT JERK?!?!" Bulma raged, stamping her feet in anger, she quickly left the scene.

"I wonder what she's mad for...?" Dr. Brief scratched his head in confusion.

"I guess relationships are quite hard..." Kalan shook his head. He had no experience before he got together with Bulma. But even now, he felt he still did not learn anything. They had already broken up for a few years now. But Kalan did not understand why she was still so mad at him they they could not even talk.

The group of scientists and engineers left, but behind them was a large army of royal soldiers from King Furry. After a quick brief, Kalan learned that they had been sent to join his dojo in order to become stronger. It seems King Furry remembered his experience with King Piccolo when he stormed into King Furry's castle and not a single soldier could do a thing to stop him.

Kalan didn't really care and simply had Yamcha and Tien Shinhan take care of everything. After giving the group of soldiers a nod, he simply told them to look for Yamcha.

Kalan curiously looked at the energy scanner's display. The list had been updated after he left.

1. 25,000 - Goku

2. 21,000 Piccolo

3. 16,000 Gohan

Kalan saw his ranking had even fallen behind Raditz'. But that was because his last entry was only 5,000 battle power. He quickly had his real battle power scanned and name input, his new ranking was:

1. 126,000,000 - Kalan.

"This should last awhile?" Kalan thought.

Kalan then brought Bardock and Gine with him around his dojo, they soon found Raditz, Nappa and Goku. The others had Goku look after Nappa and Raditz, Goku had a pondering look, seemingly trying to think of a befitting punishment for the two.

"Hey." Kalan said. The three Saiyans turned their heads and was shocked.

"A- Ah! F-Fa-Father!? M-Mom?" Raditz was shocked to the extreme. He had always believed only four Saiyans had survived after Planet Vegeta's destruction. Those four was him, Goku, Vegeta and Nappa. But he was pleasantly surprised that Kalan was actually alive, this didn't shock him too much as Kalan's status was MIA as the mission center had lost communications with him not long after he was deployed for his first mission. But he had never expected Bardock and Gine to be alive, this was due to them both staying on Planet Vegeta during it's destruction.

The Saiyan's mission center's server was linked with Frieza Force's army server, as such, the Saiyans were all was monitored by Frieza Force. Raditz had no trouble finding information about the Saiyans' status. He had long ago looked up the statuses of his parents and their last status was both of them staying on Planet Vegeta before its destruction.

"What are you looking like a fool for?" Bardock smiled upon seeing both his sons. Goku looked just like him, the only difference was his eyes shone with a gentle light, unblemished by the slightest hint of cruelty or violence.

"Ah? Y-You look just like me...!" Goku was shocked to see his own doppelganger, if not for the cross scar on Bardock's right cheek and his stern eyes. He would not have been able to tell the difference between him and Bardock.

"This is great! Both of you are safe and sound! Sniff, sniff, our whole family is well." Gine cried tears of joy. Raditz, who she had believed were dead was also doing fine here on Earth. Although she had heard of Goku's life, there was a difference to actually see her sons safe and sound with her own eyes.