Chapter 4: White Knight

A group transverse quickly down a dirt path, sometimes weaving through the trees to avoid anyone on the road.

A man wearing a mask led the group , while at the back where two man and a woman.

'I cant believe we had such talent growing in our orphanage ! I should tell father to hire outer disciples there. There might be more good talent hidden in plain sight.' Annabelle thought.

As she glanced up farther ahead at him , she wondered 'Why he would cover his face? Not only was he such a gentleman, helping her in her time of need , but he was one of the most handsome man she had ever seen.'

'Stop thinking about that , get your head together.' She shook her head as if that would help dispel her thoughts.

'Yes , remember why we are going to White Tiger.'

'Father , why can't you see you are being misled?'


Annabelle walked into her father's study room. The soldiers surrounding her father were all new , none of the old loyal ones were left anywhere near him.

"Father! Why do you keep listening to Lu Fu? He is not even from our nation! He has even replaced all of your guards ! When will you lift your veil? He is always sneaking around at night.

And don't tell me it is not a coincidence that your old advisor , Henry , died and not two days later, you were attacked and Lu Fu somehow out of nowhere appeared , and you appointed him royal advisor." She said exasperated.

"Enough! I owe him my life! That is why I made him my advisor. Now, I won't hear any naysay from anyone not even from you Annabelle."

"Now , don't worry , I trust Lu Fu with my life , he replaced many people to increase our guard numbers , and rotates their post to get them more experience." Her father responded kindly.

She relented as she figured she wouldn't change his mind.

"I understand father, thank you." She gave him a hug, as she headed to the only person she knew could help her.

"Is Captain Tex in this barracks ?"

The two guards on fireguard bowed to her.

"Princess , let me go get him."

"That's fine, I'll go by myself."

The one on the left tried to stop her as he said, "Ah, princess, I don't know if that is ,ah , allowed."

"Why wouldn't it be? It's fine, who will tell me a thing?" She continued on inside.

"She is so beautiful, imagine if I could get her."

"Shut up Jamarcus, she might hear you."

She ignored them having heard the same talk all her life. The smell hit her as soon as soon as she walked in. Not that it bothered her anyways, having train with her father's guards since young.

A few people in there stared at her as she walked by.

Walking past bunk beds on both sides, she arrived at the area divided by a curtain. It was meant for NCO's and officers.

Opening it, she walked past the single beds , until she got to the beds with people sleeping in them.

Seeing a familiar figured, she kicked it twice.

"Huh?" A groggy voice said. A twenty something man looked around until spotting the princess next to his bed.

"Princess? What, what are you doing here?" He said as he sat up and covered his upper body with his blanket.

"Oh please, I seen naked men before after a sparring section. Are you getting up or do you need another kick?"

He grunted softly.

"What?" She kicked him again.

"I said I am up!" He got up and reached for a shirt before putting it on.

She kicked him one more time.

"What was that for?" He asked as he rubbed his butt.

"I have something very important to tell you." She said in a serious voice.

He eyed her before leading her outside through the officers entrance.

"What is it princess?"

"Before I go on, you trained in White Tiger before , right?"

"Well, I wouldn't say train, I was not even an outer disciple there."

"Good, I have a mission of the outmost importance , my father , your king , entrusted me with it , and I need your help. I know you worked the graveyard shift, but we need to make haste."

He stared incredulously at her before he said. "Your father gave you permission to go outside?"

"What are you being so long winded for? Hurry and gather a team, we have to go now!"

"But, but , I am not allowed to leave the city Princess."

"Do you want me to die? If we don't do this mission I will die."

'Oh , captain, there will be time for grieving later , but now , we have to get to our destination quickly.'


Facing to her left towards Little John, she said. "Do you know what route we are taking?"

"I believe we are going through both Black Snake and Manthis , even thought we are not enemies , it might be dangerous ,but it is better than going through Da Xun."

"I don't like him princess , why does he wear a mask ? He is hiding something. He just conveniently happens to show up as we were getting attacked ? Underneath his mask is probably a recognizable face from Black Snake. Why else would he lead us through Black Snake after getting attacked by them?"

"No , Sir Cael has been a perfect gentleman Jamarcus , I don't believe he would help us just to kill us later."

"And you said it yourself , he is strong enough to take any of us."

'He must be jealous , he doesn't have the talent. The good looks , the mannerism , anything.' She gave him a look. And turned to stare at Sir Cael.

'Why cant she have suitors like him back home ? They are all liars saying polite things ,but they really mean something else , they just want to sleep with her.'

"Not like Sir Cael" she whispered.

"You said something princess ?" Little John asked.

"No." she blushes.

"Listen princess , I forgot to bring it to attention before we set off , but since we left in a hurry in the middle of the night, we didn't pack enough food for the trip. We need to stop somewhere and resupply."

"Okay, I'll ask Sir Cael."

Increasing her speed to reach the front, she stood next to Cael as she asked. "Sir Cael, can we stop somewhere to resupply? We are low on food and water."

"Don't worry Annabelle , we will stop at a border town. We can change clothes as well , it would be better if we adopted peasant clothes."

He turned to look at her. "Maybe not you, since you would definitely stand out."

She blushed despite herself.

"We can pretend to be taking you to your fiance's home and we are your bodyguards. That seems more believable." Sir Cael said after some deep thought.

"I think that is a very good idea Sir Cael."

After finishing their talk , she did not want to go back.

She couldn't help to ask. "Why do you wear a mask sir Cael? I know you said it is a long story."

Seeing Sir Cael not say anything, she added. "You don't have to say it if you don't want to."

"Is not that , I have many enemies Bella , I don't want them knowing my location."

"Oh." Not expecting that answer. "Why not when we get back home , I'll inform my father , I am sure he can help."

Sir Cael looked into distance. "I fear not, with the people looking for me princess, your father doesn't have the power to stop them."


'They must be very strong , what did he do to be their enemy ?'

Trying to come up with something to keep him next to her, she said. "What is it about ?"

"Sorry bella?"

'I like it when he calls me that , everyone calls me princess or Annabelle.'

"The book, what is the book you are always reading about ?"

"Oh , that. It's nothing much." She saw a flash from his finger , it was a black ring in the shape of a dragon coiling to the right with a small red ruby on its eye.

'How did he get a spatial ring ?? Only my father has one. There must be more to him than an orphanage. He cant be that simple.'

Sir Cael pulled out a book , turned it around in his hands and handed it to her.

She glanced at the cover. "So You Think You Can Dance Volume 1"

She opened it , while keeping an eye on the path they moved in.

"You think your dancing skills are good ? Think again. In this book you will learn proper dance moves. Let's begin chapter 1 with the most common Star Walk.

If you follow the diagrams depicted , plus the instructions I will give you. You will really learn to dance properly."

"Its a bit embarrassing Bella , but I cant dance."

" I can teach you" she blurted despite herself.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, I was groomed since a child on proper etiquette and that includes dancing for a princess."

"How can someone like me ask you such a huge favor princess."

"It's settled then, we can practice in the mornings." She said with finality.

They traveled the same speed for 4 more days. Finally reaching the border town of Talon, bordering Black Snake and Soaring Eagle.

"Princess, we have to be careful here. This is a town made up of mercenaries and cutthroats." Sir Cael cautioned as they entered the town.

"There could be people looking for you guys."

They made their way in town, buying up supplies for the trip, while Cael bought the clothes for them.

They all gather at the designated point, The Crow's Nest Inn.

"Should we get some rooms for us princess?" Sergeant Vick asked.

She glanced at Sir Cael to see what he thought. He shook his head. "We can't, this is the worst place for us to stay, let's just change clothes outside. Here, I have a set of clothes for each one." Cael handed each one a package.

"Bella, this one is for you." He handed hers her package.

"We accepted the easiest mission ever , Zheng!" A crackling voice said in front of them.

"Yes we have Ten." Another voice behind them responded.

Both of them were wearing loose black vests. The one named Zheng had a scar going from his forehead to his jaw, on his belt hung a chain with a hook at the end.

The other one had two long knifes on his belt.

"The Huang Brothers!" Sergeant Vick exclaimed next to her.

"Who?" Cael turned to ask.

"They are two infamous mercenaries. They take any job, so long as they get paid."

"Don't worry Bella, take your guards and go. I'll hold them."

"What? did I hear that kid say he will hold us back Ten?"

"I believe he did say that."

"Well, why not first... take that mask off." Zheng sent his hook towards her. Before she could react , Cael was there.

The chain curved like a snake heading towards Cael.

He evaded at the last second. The hook took a few strands of hair along with his mask. His hair band cut in half fell off.

Cael's silky hair fell around his shoulders as he turned to stare at Zheng.

'We can't leave him behind.'

"We should leave now!" Jamarcus said.

"No!" She argued

"No princess, I agree with Jamarcus, we will not be able to help but just get in the way." Sergeant Vick said.

She relented , she spared a glance back. Seeing Cael fight both of them.



Sneak Peak

"Now that they are gone, I will stop pretending and take this seriously." Cael told them.

They stared at him in a new light.

Cael palms turned black as he did a full circle with them.

"That's!! That's Black Snake Royal Clan's 'Snake Eats Tail'!!" Screamed Ten.

Ten turned to his brother as he warned. "Be careful!"

"You both asked for this!" Cael said, anger in his voice.

The sky around them darkened, a rumble accumulated in sound, getting louder and louder.

Cael rose in the air , his hair slowly raising around him.

"Snake Eats Tail!"

A loud boom rocked this small part of the town and a black darker then black covered the surroundings.

The Huang brothers covered their eyes as they retreated. Both expecting an attack as they each covered the other.

As the light slowly crept back into existence, they slowly blinked trying to get used to the sunlight once more.

Searching their surroundings , everything was normal, people were staring at them as if they were crazy.

"Shit, he ran away!"