Chapter 1

Tim and Rosa Roberts smiled at their new daughter, Josie, as they finished signing the adoption papers. Josie Evans, a five year old girl from the Dustin Orphange, was one of the liveliest girl the Roberts had ever met. It took one look and they knew she was going to go home with them. When they questioned her backstory, they were simply told that she was brought in by a woman, thought to be her mother. After talking with Josie's caretaker and letting her look at their house to make sure it was child safe, they were allowed to take Josie Evans home with them.

When they got back to their house Rosa showed Josie to the room that they had all set up for her. The walls were a baby blue with white rabbits on it, the curtains over the windows were white, and the floor was a hard wood. In the corner, was a chest with a stuffed horse on it, and in a corner, right across from the door, was a closet, with the door opened, revealing some clothes. Josie went into the room, and looked at everything, in awe and excitement. Mrs. Roberts left her there, and went to talk to her husband, confused about where the clothes had come from.

"Tim? Did you ask someone to buy some clothes for Josie?"

Her husband shook his head. "No I thought you did. I saw the box by the door and I hung them up while you were getting her out of the car."

Rosa walked to the table, and looked through the mail and found a note from his mom. "Your mom sent them. She says that if any of them don't fit to send them back."

Tim nodded and looked at her. "You never know anymore with Mom. I bet she's really excited to be a grandma again."

Rosa chuckled. "Yeah. Where's Jonathan? I haven't seen him since I got home."

"He's at a friend's house, didn't want to be home alone," Tim said. "What do you want for dinner?"

"I think Josie should choose," Rosa said and looked down the hallway. "Josie can you come here real quick?"

They heard the door open, and Josie skipped to them, smiling. "Whaty?"

"What do you want for dinner sweetheart?" Rosa asked, smiling.

Josie thought for a moment. "Can we have spaghetti?"

Tim nodded. "Of course. Do you want to come with me to get the ingredients?"

Josie nodded. "Of course I do!"

Tim chuckled picking her up. "We'll be back in a bit."

Rosa kissed him and Josie before they left, leaving her alone in the house. She watched the car pull out of the driveway, then sat on the couch, picking up her book and reading it.