Chapter 4

When Tim and Rosa woke up, they heard giggling in the kitchen, along with a shushing sound. It was, as if, someone were shushing their child. Slowly, Tim looked around to see if Jonathan might've been in there with her, only to see him sitting up on the chair, staring into the kitchen. Tim stood up and went into the kitchen, only to see Josie sitting at the table, drinking a glass of milk.

"Who were you talking to sweetheart?" Tim asked, trying not to sound worried.

"The Man who lives here." Josie responded, oh so innocently.

"What man?" Rosa was now standing next to Tim.

"The one from my closet."

Everyone froze and looked at each other. Josie started humming as she took care of her glass. Jonathan watched her, debating on whether to question her, or think he had thought of the shushing in his head.

"Rosa are you gonna make Mariam's dress?" Josie asked, walking up in front of her.

"Yes, Yes. I'll make it while your at school alright?" Rosa said, bending down to her level.

"Were gonna be late!" Jonathan said, running to his room to change, Josie following and going to her room.

Tim and Rosa looked at each other and chuckled, forgetting about what had just occurred and about the night before. After a few minutes, Jonathan and Josie ran out of their rooms and into the living room, putting their shoes and jackets. Tim finished putting everything in his suitcase and grabbed the keys, following the kids out the door after he kissed Rosa goodbye.

Rosa hummed in response, and went to her sewing room, holding Mariam in her arms. She grabbed her material, sewing needle, thread, and a measuring string, Before sitting at her table and taking the clothes off the doll. She turned on her radio and started taking measurements. She was just goin to sew something quick until Josie got home so she could create something more suiting for Mariam and something more tasteful for Josie.

After taking the required measurements, she started to make the prototype for the quick dress. After almost a hour of sewing she pricked her finger on the needle. Out of reflex she dropped the doll and put her finger in her mouth. As quickly as she had dropped it, Rosa picked it up and made sure that nothing broke, or was cracked. Nothing was and she sighed in relief. That was, until the radio started glitching. The words started skipping, making Rosa put the doll down and stand up, Rosa was too busy checking to see what was wrong with the radio, to see her sewing room door slowly open, revealing a 8 foot tall, dark figure shape mass for a quick second, before the door slammed shut.

Ros jumped, turning around only to see nothing, except for her patterns on the ground. The radio started working again and Rosa picked them up and sat back down, going back to sewing. When she finished, she put the dress on the doll, making sure it fit the right way. After taking a picture and posting it on her sewing website, she took the doll to the living room and sat it on the couch. She looked at the time, and seen that she had been sewing for over 3 hours. Rosa sighed, sitting on the couch, only to hear nocking at the door. She stood up and opened the door. Only to see no one.

"Proably just my imaagination." She thought, walking back to the living room, closing the door behind her. Right when she closed the door a dark figure, was seen entering Josie's room.