Chapter 1- Rewrite

Josie stared out the window to her new "parents" vehicle. Sure they seemed like a nice couple but they would most definitely drop her back off when they meet him. He was always the reason she was dropped back off at the orphanage and why she couldn't go to a foster home. "This couple would realize this soon enough and then it's back to the cold room with all the other kids." She thought as she sighed. She was used to this by now. "Might as well not get my hopes up."

"You alright there Josie?" Tim asked, looking at her through the back rear mirror.

"I'm fine," she said, her gaze not leaving the scenery outside. There was mostly fields and trees. Places to hide, was her first thought, before she shook her head. "Just watching the scenery. It'd make a beautiful postcard."

Rosa chuckled softly. "Yes well, not many people visit here anymore. The town used to be quite a tourist attraction, but ever since the fire-" She stopped speaking as Tim gave her a warning look.

The fire she was talking about, was the one that her parents had died. They were at a restaurant having a date while Josie was at home watching a movie. The chef had accidently left the stove on and a breeze had caused a piece of paper to move from the counter onto the stove, catching on fire. The workers were all away doing other things when it happened, and by the time everyone realized what had happened, it was to late. The fire quickly spread and destroyed everything. Everyone managed to get out, except for her parents who were trying to help everyone else get out.

Josie shook her head. "It's alright. The fire caused people to fear the old buildings in town so they all moved away."

"I'm sorry sweetheart. If there's anyway that we can help just say something okay?"

Josie nodded and fake smiled. "Alright I will."

"We'll be there soon. I hope you enjoy the room that we set up for you. I've always wanted a daughter to bond with." Rosa said and went on to explain how most every mother's dream of having someone to shop with. Josie simply chuckled and zoned out.

The scenery slowly changed to the town that she lived in as a kid. It was small, and most of the buildings were empty, but the ones that weren't had people standing outside and talking. She remembered somethings her mother used to say about them. "They're always standing outside and laughing about things they've done in their life." Josie chuckled at the memory and leaned her head against the window, slowly falling asleep.

The sky was dark, and there were no birds singing as there usually would be in the forest. "Not this again." Josie muttered, looking around. A twig snapped, causing her to jump and look towards it. Nothing. Slowly moving away from where the sound came from, Josie started walking farther into the woods. There was usually a sign, or a piece of paper on a tree that she had to find. The farther into the woods she went the darker it got until she couldn't see very far in front of her.

The trees around her seemed to be leaning in towards her, trying to grab her to make her stay with them. "Where is it." She thought, starting to panic. Usually she had found it by then. A chuckle behind her made her jump.

"Get away from me!" She yelled, turning around. No one.

"Aww that's no way to speak to me." He said, his had a slight pitch to his voice, like he was excited she was there.

"What do you want?" Trembling, she tried to keep her voice steady to hide her fear.

"I love how you shake when I'm near." He cooed.

She heard movement behind her so she turned around. "Why won't you come out?"

He chuckled, now to her left, his voice eerily close. "Where would be the fun in that, my little blossom."

A shiver ran down her spine. "I am not, your little blossom."

"Oh but you are." She heard a smile in his voice. "Little blossom, it's almost time for you to bloom."

Something brushed her hair off of her shoulder as something touched her neck. She jumped, looking towards where it had come from. There. A sign post was on a nearby tree. She ran up to it and immediately started reading it out loud. It was the only way for her to get out of there.

"Gehen Sie zurück zu dem Ort, wo Sie von dem Dämon kamen!" She shouted, the wind picking up as she said it.

"I'll see you next time little blossom."