Chapter 8 : Robbery

"I rely on, you go after the fat man, how to chase me!" Lin Xiu ran while looking back, suddenly saw the color-changing giants chasing themselves.

Yang Tian also ran continuously at this time. When he looked back subconsciously, he found that Lin Xiu had already ran in the direction of the forest.

I just wanted to say that Lin Xiu was running in the wrong direction, but Lin Xiu's figure has disappeared.

"Hey? I'm gone?" The general effort was running for a while, Lin Xiu turned and looked, but did not find the figure of the giant.

However, Lin Xiu did not dare to care. After all, the body of this discolored scorpion is discolored according to the surrounding environment. This is the most horrible. Maybe it lurks somewhere and wants to attack himself.

When Lin Xiu gasped for a moment, he found that there were several people in the front.

These people are wearing war suits, but they are obviously different from those on Lin Xiu.

And they have various weapons in their hands, and a person's body is still carrying a huge evolutionary corpse.

These people look very strong and look like they are official warriors at first glance!

"Hey, what about the Stars College?" A headed man saw Lin Xiu's uniform, and suddenly he picked and then said.

Lin Xiu screamed badly at this time. These people are obviously an adventure squad, and they are all official warriors. If they want to kill themselves, they have no way to deal with them.

"Big buddies, I just passed by." Lin Xiu said with a sneer.

"It turned out to be a poor ghost." A man with a big knife walked over and then carefully examined Lin Xiu, then said.

There was a faint light in his eyes that looked very infiltrating.

"The knife left, people can go."

"Good." Lin Xiu's fingers were pinched into fists at this time. Without a sword, it would be equivalent to losing general combat power.

Although the heart is unwilling at this time, there is no way.

"Get it!" The man snorted and then reached out and took the sword from Lin Xiu's hand.

Just took the sword from Lin Xiu's hand, his mouth curled up, and he wanted to take the sword and cut it over Lin Xiu's body!

"Oh!" But at this time, a horrible sound sounded.

Lin Xiu also suddenly felt the back of the ridge cool, and subconsciously flew out.

The man who had just robbed Lin Xiu's sword was directly bitten by a bloody mouth!


The man did not have any precautions at all, and he was bitten by the discolored giant.

Lin Xiu, who was on the other side, was sweating at this time. It was too dangerous. Just because he had always felt that this discoloration giant wanted Yin to be prepared for himself. The estimate of being bitten was himself.

Those who took part in the adventure team also frightened a lot. The color-changing body was emerald green, similar in color to the surrounding trees, and the evolutionary beast seemed to be good at hiding. At this time, these warriors also reacted.

"It is a third-order evolutionary beast, a discolored giant!" A man shouted at this scene.

"The color change giant!?" The men who heard the words couldn't help but take a breath. This color-changing giant is not the strongest of the snakes, but it is the most horrible, and it can rely on it. The snake skin that discolors around the environment makes it a 'killer'.

"hiss hiss hiss-"

The man who had just robbed Lin Xiu's sword was suddenly swallowed by the discolored giant.

Its head is huge, and the snake-snake, which is bleeding and red in the mouth, looks very scary, and the scarlet eyes are staring at everyone.

A man with a giant sword glanced at the people in his team, and then screamed: "Solve it! The alien crystal of the third-order evolution beast, and the snake skin of this giant snake, can sell millions!"

The rest of the people heard his words and their eyes lit up.

As the saying goes, people are dead for the dead birds, and their hearts are excited at this time.

It seems that because of the appearance of this discolored giant, the group also ignored Lin Xiu who was hiding here.

Lin Xiu crouched over there, looking at the front through the bushes.

The eyes of the analysis start, you can see that those men are first-order warriors.

The order of the warriors is from one to nine, and the nine-order warrior is the strongest. It is said that the power of a nine-order warrior is equivalent to the fact that there is one more nuclear weapon in the country.

The man with the giant sword has already taken the lead in the past, and the giant sword waved, as if the surrounding air had surged, and then directly cut the body of the discolored giant.

The color-changing giant python is very fast in this jungle, and his giant sword has just stabbed in and it has been directly avoided.

Then open the blood basin and mouth to tear his body to the past.

At this time, one of the very strong men had already rushed over. There were steel fists on his fists, all of which were spiked, and they slammed into the head of the golden giant.

"What!?" But the golden giant python didn't seem to be directly injured because of this punch. Instead, the tail slammed and flew him out.

A man's eyes curled up and a few short knives flew out of his hands.

The sounds of "ting", "tic" and "ting" sounded, and the short knives were originally aimed at the eyes of the discolored giants, but what they did not expect was that at this moment, the body of the discolored giant swayed, The thorns are under the neck.

"hiss hiss!!!" There is no snakeskin protection under the neck, so the short knife is easily stabbed in, and suddenly the giant python becomes violent.

Suddenly the giant python became violent.

"puff", its tail jerked, and at this moment, the giant tree behind those people was directly cut off.

Lying in the trough!

Lin Xiu, who saw this scene, couldn't help but shrink, and then quickly rolled over to avoid the past.

Almost, the fallen giant tree will be overwhelmed by itself.

"Ah!!!" The man with the iron gloves snorted, the muscles of the body swelled up, and then madly smashed into the body of the discolored giant, and he practiced the hand, which was extremely fast. After a punch, the air seemed to be a bit broken.

"puff", "puff" and "puff" When the discolored giant smashed his companion, his fist fell on the head of the giant.

After being so embarrassed, I've got a few punches, and the head of the discolored scorpion seems to have become a little dizzy.

"Good opportunity!" The man holding the giant sword rushed over to the side at this time, and the giant sword would pierce its seven-inch land.

"puff" but did not think that at this time, a large amount of green matter was spit out from the snake's mouth. He was caught off guard, and the whole person was contaminated by these green substances. The whole person mourned for a moment, and the body instantly became extremely fast. The speed is eroding.

"Hurry up to attack seven inches!!!"