Episode 5 (part 3)

"Great job, Watermelons," Kitome said sarcastically, clapping her hands. Clyde could feel her envy too—she had nothing on the wonder that was Harumi. For once, he welcomed Toru's blank stare. The brown-haired, blue-eyed rich boy for once didn't comment, though he did stare just a little too long at Harumi's chest.

The group moved on at a faster pace. Clyde picked up a stick, a piece of paper then attempted to utilize his crafting skill. Nothing happened. The interface revealed that nothing was possible, which didn't surprise the young man. He only wanted an experimental jab at his new ability. He'd shop for a few things the next day to get started. Crafting was probably the most important ability he had—and if he didn't master it, the Viper would wipe the floor with him.

Just then, Clyde noticed a small group of pumkos trotting around. A little further ahead stood a larger, metallic version of the creature with eyes of red embers. The group quickly dispatched the normal pumkos then started toward the leader.

[Congratulations, you have reached level 8! Stats increased!]

Clyde analyzed the obvious mini-boss.


Level: 25

Type: monster.

Work under: Your hostile detection isn't high enough for this nor do you know the information to fill this in. Geeze boy, hit puberty already. Some athlete.

Special: Your hostile detection isn't high enough for this. Tsk, tsk. You're a disappointment

Weakness: Your hostile detection isn't high enough for this. Big surprise.

Resistances: See above.

Secret: Your hostile detection, luck, and will isn't high enough for this. Wimpy, wimpy, wimpy. Noob.

Ignoring the prompt that nearly sent him into a rage, Clyde said, "he's a strong one."

"Good," Toru said. "I'll have it no other way."

[Your party has entered combat!]

The meta-pumko laughed.

"Damned humans, do you make light of me?"

[Enemy has activated Guiding Radiance!]

An outline of white aura surrounded it. And it stared intently at Kitome. The magical girl shuddered.

"Stop staring at me, you perv!"

"Oh please, don't get full of yourself," the pumko said. "You have no goods I care for."

"You piece of—"

Kitome unleashed a scattered shot of heart bombs at the taunting monster.

[Enemy HP has dropped to 175%]

Clyde blinked. Enemies can have health over one hundred percent? How was this fair?

Harumi was the next to attack, discharging balls of electricity. The meta-pumko laughed.

"Is that all you got?"

[Enemy resists electric attack.]

Clyde and Toru rushed him simultaneously. The monster dodged Clyde's attack and then bashed Toru to the ground with a single swipe of heavy claws.

[Enemy activates Wavebound.]

A glowing blue circle appeared around the monster then expanded faster than Clyde's eyes could see. It struck the party hard enough to send them all flying backward at least a yard. The white that was around the enemy faded.

[Your HP has dropped to 50% ]

Clyde sucked in a breath, enduring the pain as much as he could. Harumi stepped forward, held up a hand, and like a fountain of joy, healing light bounded from her, joining the party in an embrace.

[Your HP has been restored to 70% and is slowly healing over time.]

Everyone stood, focusing. Clyde took aim then fired an energy ball. The monster...dodged it.

"You suck," it said.

[Your MP has dropped to 60%]

[Enemy has activated Will-o-wisps!]

Clyde barely dodged the assault of purple fireballs. He rushed the monster again, dodged its swipe then managed to get in a strong Precise slash. His sword bit deep into the enemy. When he pulled back, it roared.

[Critical! Enemy HP has dropped to 140% Enemy is stunned. ATTACK ONCE MORE!]

Clyde took heed of the prompt and activated Scatter shot. Concentrating, he directed all five energy balls to hit the stunned monster.

[Enemy HP has dropped to 105%]

[Your MP has dropped to 20%]

Clyde backed off, while Toru lurched into the fray, unleashing a series of martial art combos that connected to various points of the monster.

[Enemy HP has dropped to 80%]

"You know, you're kind of pissing me off, you pesky humans," the pumko said. "You're like mosquitos. You don't quit. Let me show you something."

"Fuck, get him before he does something crazy," Clyde said, catching his breath. The loss of that much MP started to take its toll on him. He could feel a headache form.

"Too late! HA! Eat this!"

[Enemy has activated Raid ender.]

"Shit," Clyde said as the monster unleashed a lot of light. He was way too under-leveled for this. This thing was too strong for him. The semi-sphere of intense white light expanded from the enemy and engulfed the entire party in a mass of pain, shock, and agony. To Clyde, they were all one and the same.

[Your HP has dropped to 1%]

[Passive skill Secret sword and martial arts combination's defense boost has allowed you to endure this attack.]

[Danger! You are critically low on health.]

Clyde felt intense pain everywhere. Even in his eyeballs. He noticed his party, struggling to stand, most of them inflicted with stun and shocked status alignments. Harumi couldn't even move to heal him.

"Well, it's been fun," the pumko said. "Well, not really. Say goodbye."

It started toward Clyde, step by step, chuckling and there wasn't a thing the young man could do. One hit and it was over. Earth…gone. Just like this. He didn't want this. He couldn't let it end. Not like this. This was just stupid. A party wipe by a mini-boss? Why didn't he prepare for this?

[Your talent Main Character Stuff has activated.]

[Extremely rare random ability activated: Deus Ex Machina.]

No…way, Clyde thought. Ah shit, just let me die. He chuckled to himself. Of all clichés…damn, he really was a main character. The Stone.

[Ability activated. LIMIT BREAK!]

Clyde felt strength like never before surge through his veins like raging rivers. This felt like the high of a Red Bull on steroids. He felt his capacity expand, meld with the universe and he just knew.

He took a deep breath, standing straight, light radiating around him as if he was a star on a dark night.

"Limit break," he said then aimed one hand at the shocked monster.

[Activated Limit Break Skill: Almighty von seki]

A large beam of blue and black magic blasted from Clyde's hand and disintegrated the mini-boss. Ashes rained almost everywhere. The air smelled of burned cloth and metal and vegetation. His party remained in their places, mouths agape.

A brown chest appeared in the monster's place, bringing a wide grin to the young man's face. Finally. An enemy drop. Loot! He thought he'd never live to see it in this world. That or his luck stat gave him nothing.

[Battle completed. Victory! Reward: 9000 EXP and $300.]

[Congratulations, you have reached levels 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13. This is because the enemy you defeated was of the demon's lords social clutch. Stats increased! You've earned 3 free points! You've unlocked the skill Deep Slash! Precise Slash has increased to level 2. Hostile detection has increased to level 3! More information about an enemy will be revealed.]

[Your HP has slowly healed to 10% and still slowly increases due to ally's effect.]

Clyde didn't care about any of that. He opened the chest and smiled. He wasn't the greedy type, but after what he just did, first claim should be no problem to the others. He grabbed a glowing book.