
Psst. Is there anyone here? HELLOOOO helloooo hello *echo* *echo*

It's quiet. Too quiet. Ah well, let's drop this message.

Hey to the audience of 0, did you know the Anime Trope System series has a brand new webtoon? With 1 chapter per week, 8 (about to be 9) weeks strong. The views are charging! We'd like you to join in on the fun.

Yes, that's right. I, the author of this, is just posting a completely free webtoon: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/the-anime-trope-system-the-webtoon-series/list?title_no=365851

Like, subscribe, we need all the boost we can get.

Here's the tapas.io version as well: https://tapas.io/series/ATS/info

Why is it free? Call it an investment. I give you a free webtoon and you get to experience ATS. Good for those who'd like to give the series another shot. And without fear of being judged. Yes, webtoons has a ToS we must follow.

Maybe when we get to the raunchier bits, we'll place them on Patreon. That aside, let me know what you think.

Webtoon: ATS. Beautiful artwork.