There was a pause, utter silence, Iason contemplating as he looked up at Riki, now a hovering angel with his wings spread, arms raised as he communicated before the Eye of the System, interfacing with it, expression rapt, lost in what was happening to his body as the all-powerful engineering of Tanagura's central nerve caressed it, mind connected to the very core of the world in an exchange Iason knew to be important and sacred almost.
A Comlink was beeping somewhere nearby but the Blondie was ignoring it, figuring that perhaps it were just the others, and deciding finally that they were annoying in their intrusions - as always. Riki was still wrapped in ecstasy, and it seemed sacrilege to let anyone see how aroused he was as the Pet was still being held by the digitized ribbons of instruction and algorithms, the reaching threads wrapping his beating form artfully.
In some way, although the Master was yet to understand, he felt as if his beloved were connected to his own body despite this separation. As Riki fell in sync with the System's loving hum, it felt as if he were the very one holding the Pet; indeed, he felt his entire form shiver whenever Riki sighed, brows furrowing, the sensation pricking his skin, causing his cock to pulsate as if the other was just there in his arms. As if even by this space he could thrust into him.
Powerful, this new connection.
The Blondie lounged naked on the furniture, an assuring dampness touching his skin, the smell of their union and the evidence of it still apparent under his fingertips, as a watchful eye stay trained, mind quick to perceive the minute instructions Riki was perhaps receiving now - Jupiter's Will no less - but then what would the old god have left for him? The Comlink still continued to blink.
Finally, at his wits' end with the persistence of the thing (and whomever were calling on the other end), Iason indulged his brutalism, mentally flipping the switch and shorting the gates for communication, never mind if Raoul and the rest of the Council greeted him with scowls or ridicule the next time. He was not in the mood to pay them much attention, not when he was still in the midst of comprehending further what was going on.
The Blondie appeared to grasp it all now, the schematics of what Jupiter has left for him, finding it brilliant. He sighed.
Riki looked like a graceful deity, wrapped and crowded by an excess of those ribbons, the very same which conveyed Iason's godhood to him. Intricate, all of it, but simple enough that its elegant specificity and efficiency overwrote everything Tanagura ever was, everything that him, as a Blondie, would ever be.
At the moment of his death, Jupiter had rewritten the System to compose of only three prevailing layers...the first, was Iason's domain. It involved defences, weapons, active gears, links, the external communicating nerves and all manner of connections existing within the world and Tanagura...things of which the Master can manipulate thoroughly and effectively at will, that much he already knew, even before being aware of how extensive his hold on it was.
The second layer was Riki's. It was where sensitive information and the trillions of repositories for records, confidential data and similar synthesized knowledge that moved the capital and its locations more subtly resided. The Blondie shared in its control, although by the new design, Iason is still unable to reach into it as extensively compared to how Jupiter had programmed Riki to. Thus he needed his beloved's assistance be there anything he ever wanted to retrieve from here, the Pet more like a medium of sorts, although that may cease to be especially after the other has learnt how he could make use of his own domain, which was still yet to be at the moment.
The third layer was the deepest level in the interwoven tapestry of the is a special layer where creation can be possible, the Core of the System so to speak, and is inaccessible and so far removed that it took a special means to get to it.
To achieve entry to this said Core, the first and second layers needed to converge, to become one, involving of course - and naturally - the direct union of both the Master's and his Exclusive's bodies.
Of course it had to be sex, and in the simplest of terms, was more like a cruel imposition, the act an entire and exact opposite of what was originally the role of the Blondie. Perhaps it was to remind Iason how far he had fallen from grace before his godhood? To remind him that this once forbidden thing to someone of his stature will now be the one price he would need to pay that would forever culminate his role as heir.
But let it not be said that he did not appreciate it - sapphire eyes looked over the naked form of his beautiful mongrel - if it was with Riki, the price would never be an entirely bad idea at all now would it?
Neu-Jupiter slid off the furniture and stood on his feet, thinking that from here onward, life anew would begin for them. He unfurled his wings and gently ascended, bringing himself to the same height where his Pet was, where the all-too-important being that coloured his existence now hovered, an Endymion of flawless flesh and pulsing life, entirely his.
This was to be their height and no one would ever share with them on it. He needed to protect it, for Riki's sake.
At the sound of his voice, Riki turned, obsidian eyes blank but acknowledging as he reached his hands, extended his arms, offering his lips which Iason took blithely, pulling into that warm body and grinding against it, hungrily receiving the tongue the Blondie thrust into his eager mouth, alongside the intentions, to allow the thrusting of something else into the other mouth existing solely for his Master down his nether regions.
Iason laced their fingers together. Enfolded by ribbons of information, witnessed by the glowing Eye of the System which pulsed and continued, the connection to the Core was opened as the Master and the Pet once more shared in their love...
It took the most part of the day before Iason Mink surfaced, fully dressed and regal again, a sleeping Riki once more in his arms, wrapped only in the Blondie's own cape, dark hair tossed over the side of his shoulder rather artfully. As expected, the Council awaited them upon their descent, Raoul in particular, looking as if he had a ton of things to ask and discuss with their Neu-Jupiter.
"Iason -"
But the latter shook his head at that, sighing in exasperation, pausing but halfway through as the other Blondies gave them room. Whatever commentary they had, it will have to wait indefinitely. Iason's patience was running out, and he just wanted further peace for them both for now.
"I'm taking my Exclusive home," said the top Blondie, eyeing his brothers and booking no argument from any of them. "And if you want me to do my job, I expect of you to leave us be."