The turnout crowd at Midas exceeded the expected numbers first predicted by the event organisers, but was well-appreciated as this meant tons of business opportunities, the money just flooding in, all possible accommodations fully booked, the Casino packed with spending patrons and the Pleasure Quarters teeming to the brim with lovers and expectants.
Of course, much of the exodus here was attributed to the confirmed news of Iason's attendance, majority of the visitors having concentrated on Mistral Park, the venue where the sanctioned Pet Auction would be happening, a massive after-party likewise organized for when all the bidding was done.
As usual, the attendees were as exotic birds of paradise, preened like peacocks and decked with fineries, some with an impressive entourage of guards in tow, some, particularly those of the eccentric, choosing to be amongst the anonymous but still stood out with traces of hidden trinkets and the company they kept and greeted at the entry alongside the access they have been given.
But of course there are those that are not supposed to be there, those hopefuls who have slipped in through the heavily laid security, from the slums, and just like Bison and Riki of the olden days had come to see the luxury they cannot afford, the parade of grandeur that left a deep bitter taste of remorse and self-pity in their mouths, of imaginings and just that, of longing, brought about by the apparent wedge in the social status…
But they still come…to glimpse of what life is like on the other end of the spectrum, if only to feed their fancies further, especially as they'd heard that even the likes of them could earn a place in the stellar heavens of Tanagura, just as that guy whose legendary name was not only reputable in Ceres, but had become renowned even among the elites.
The mongrel who made it. He was the dark spear who stole the heart of the Blondie who would be Neu-Jupiter, the heir apparent to the riches of the world's most powerful city. Some of these new generation young ones have never even seen him, but they have heard from blabbering that he was a sight, a boy with animalistic appeal, was in fact the very charisma of the slums that made a god fumble...
As one by one the VIP vehicles fell into a line through to the red carpet, hiding mongrels and open social aristocrats alike feel in themselves that certain uneasiness, the excitement brought about by this anticipation. So the virtual progenitor of the most powerful capital had now become flesh, and his Pet, this elusive prince, would be arriving to join the fray.
Everyone was just curious, some, like the business moguls of other areas, even banking on the chance to clasp hands with the most powerful in Tanagura, hoping to win his favour.
"They're here!"
Rarely was an assemblage as grand as this, the chosen population of Blondies now known as the governing Council of Tanagura, one by one arrive in the most executive flare, golden transports picking their way through cleared and secured air space, drones and droids as well as the full force of Midas' law enforcement deployed to keep spectators at bay. Dark Men stood at every corner.
They wore their long manes free, a sign afforded with the privilege of the class, each Blondie countenance as perfect as the other, brothers who immediately found the time to converse as they waited for the rest of their kind to make their descent.
Gideon Lagat was first on the scene, having come to accompany the Academy's creations to the display cases where they would start the feasts early, dressed in signature kingly garb this time, himself forgoing the clean of bodysuits that way he may match his fellow Blondies chosen attire theme for the evening.
The Biochemist but nodded in acknowledgement, watching as the other members of their group walked out of their respective vehicles, drawing the anticipated sighs and murmurs of approval, the Blondie class most certainly a presence worthy to be called climactic of any specie anywhere, sailing through the sea of spectators with an air of power, this definite confidence.
The crowd just couldn't get enough! Even as all twelve of these so-called elite of elites finished their entrance and now discussed, other VIPs continued to swoon at their perfection, people from all walks of life and the media simply needing to watch and dog their every move.
Then he arrived…and the crowd stirred with a newfound enthusiasm…
The Blondies all turned their attention as a Platinum Black Air Limousine carefully landed a distance from where they were, four similarly-coloured though smaller vehicles cornering the impressive transport opening to divulge its contents of armies made up of mechanized droids, in full weaponed gear, the scout bots immediately flying to scan the area for any possible threats. A few minutes had to pass. Only when the strict security detail deemed it safe did the doors of the limo slide back, revealing the sole occupant inside.
The Blondies approached as Tanagura's Neu-Jupiter, Iason Mink, finally made his way out, greeted by much exuberance from the adoring crowds gathered to witness his arrival. He was met however by a surprised group of Blondies, and everyone who noticed in fact was as surprised. The Pet had not come with his Master.
"Iason, my, you're alone. I thought your Pet was coming?"
The superior Blondie gave them a bit of smile. "A malady has struck him the last minute," he replied as if it were no cause for alarm when he himself inside felt far worried about Riki.
In truth, if he could have cancelled today to be by his side, he would have, though apparently, it was a commitment he owed his brethren, and to decline the now would be undue them.
"Too bad," it was Aisha Rosen who continued with a smile, that faint glimmer of knowing in his eyes, remembering how Iason always wanted to keep Riki all to himself in his obsession. Even during the Pet's return to Eos the second time, Iason had attempted to make excuses, before moving the now-Exclusive to Apathia completely where they could be left alone. And who would have forgotten the incidents? There had been too many involving the Pet. With that though, things had always been...interesting to use Gideon's humour "This would have been his first coming out, I mean, after being declared as Neu-Jupiter's Exclusive.
"Everyone has been dying to see how he looked like now."
Ah, Iason almost forgot that not all the Blondies has had the pleasure of meeting his Pet personally, and if they have, they had not taken a much closer look at him, or had chosen not to before. At present, most of his brothers have not even seen Riki in his new form and that he, as Riki's Master, also kept his Pet quite aloof and literally covered.
It's a known fact since they themselves monitor it, that the Pet has not even left the Palace in Eos Tower Two despite being allowed to by his Exclusive status. There were likewise but only a handful of instances when he had gone out, for check-ups and his branding, the latter was witnessed by none of the elites, just a minority of the Blondie class, that episode in the lobby even conducted from under the cover of a hood and cape that fell all the way to Riki's feet.
A malady? Raoul meanwhile appeared most incredulous though he did answer Aisha, "I guarantee he is exquisite" as he knew this to be accurate. Riki had been changed tremendously, Jupiter having refined his magnetism that even he had stared at it, shockingly. He turned an eye of doubt to Iason however.
"But is he really ill?" asked the Biochemist.
With Raoul's familiarity of the Jupiter Lovers' anatomy and construction, he knew it to be highly improbable for any of the two to contract whichever disease. Both Riki and, yes, Iason had been made by the old god incapable for sickness, thus, whatever it was that was ailing the Pet could most certainly be an illness of another kind.
"Maybe he's just a bride having cold feet?"
This made Iason laugh. "Maybe.
"But then the Furniture told me he'd fallen into one of the pools and was soaked all day yesterday.
"He is really unwell," he defended.
All the Blondies laughed at the idea. Some still never believed it, casting the notion as pretext nevertheless kept light humour about it. They had gotten used to Iason's perplexities. He was always one to constantly manipulate things to his will. He always broke the laws even if they had been etched in the hardest Lutetium.
"Very well," Gideon smiled, shaking his head. "Shall we?"
There was no use delaying the proceedings any further, seeing as Neu-Jupiter had already arrived. So with the entourage made up of his fellow Blondies on either side of him, Iason Mink, strode gallantly into the venue to witness the unfolding events, dressed in the best shades of blue that he indeed was set apart from even them…