Sue Vs The Stranger

It has been two years now since that incident happened, no time can heal the wound she suffered. The work she ounce did everything she could to get was now her greatest pain. Though she knows that no alcohol can make it all go away she still finds herself at club nine-nine everyday trying to drink the pain away. Her parents and those close to her have tried to comfort her but nothing can heal such a wounded heart.

Like any other morning these past two years she finds herself waking up to a piercing headache, no matter how much this pain hits her she can never get used to it. Today was different though, she usually doesn't wake up this early and the reason for this is the noise coming outside of her apartment. The neighborhood she lives at is very loud but the apartment she stays in is noise proof.

Only when the windows in her room are opened can any noise reach her, finally realizing this she forced her eyes open only to see figure holding a newspaper seating in front of her window.

This figure was wearing a white t-shirt, black suite, brown tie with white circles; he had dark blue eyes and was sitting by the window reading the daily newspaper. From his left was a mug her friend gave her on her last birthday and from the mist coming from it seems this individual was helping himself to morning tea in her house.

There was no fear in her eyes, her hand reached under her pillow to take something but to her surprise there was nothing, she wondered if she moved it but that was impossible she always puts it there when she went to sleep, meaning this figure in her room was responsible.

"Oh you are finally awake, I didn't want to disturb you, and you looked so peaceful".

His voice was neither loud nor overbearing; there was a trance to it that made you want to listen to it more, like that song you only listen to because of the voice not the words. Sitting upright she perfectly saw this figure sitting in her house, he was a middle aged man about forty years of age and she was sure she has never seen him before.

"Were you looking for this, don't worry it won't be necessary. I only did it for my protection; you have that shoot first ask later face".

Holding her service gun he puts it by the window, folding the newspaper he drinks tea and stared at her like all this was normal.

"How did you get in my house and what do you what".

Her voice wasn't loud like some panic-stricken little girl; it was soft but demanded answers. She has run into all kinds of individuals in her line of work so seeing another kind did not give her panic only questions. In her head were already many clues to which this might be one of her father's ways to help a shrink or maybe one of those she helped put away has come for revenge. Either way she was not stirred.

"Although I expected such a reaction you could at least pretend to be scared by the sudden appearance of a man in your house, aah whatever let's get to the point right. There's a situation at Ry-Co Industries, the whole building has been hold hostage buy a group of armed forces and from insider information there have explosives. Yes what in the fuck does that have to do with you, well we have tried to negotiate with them and they said they will only talk with SUE KIM"