You'll Be Back

Regaining consciousness, Ethan fiercely sat up and immediately checked himself. A confused expression appeared on his face. His clothes back then were somehow, changed? He was currently wearing a set of plain white clothes. Although they weren't new, it was apparent that they were fresh and clean.

Touching his lips, Ethan could clearly feel that the chapped surface of it was gone! It was as if they were moisturized with a lot of water— something that Ethan lacked for the past few days. Stretching his arms, he could feel that the spiritual energy within his body has fully recovered! "This…" Ethan muttered, "What is going on?"

"Oh? Your body is stronger than I thought, you woke up much earlier than I expected."

Ethan turned his head as soon as he heard the voice. Behind him, the figure of the bald woman in yellow robes who approached him when he became unconsciousness, sat in a cross-legged position while drinking tea. Smoke roused from the cup signifying that the tea was still hot.

"Although I did expend some potions for you to recover, it is still amazing how you woke up so quickly." She added.

"Huh?" After hearing that it was indeed the woman behind him that "spoke", Ethan became even more confused. He could clearly see that she was sipping tea during the entirety of her sentence.

Her mouth did not move at the least bit! But the voice was loud and clear for Ethan to actually understand, it was as if it was directly spoken through his consciousness, "How is that possible?"

Seeing the dumbfounded expression on Ethan's face, the bald woman "spoke" and clarified, "Worry not, I am directly communicating with you through magic. I assumed that you do not understand our language… young man from another world."

The bald woman finally finished drinking her tea. Placing down the cup that was the size of a medium bowl, her entire appearance could now be seen.

"Where is this?" Ethan tried his best to focus and use his own mental power to "speak".

A shocked expression appeared on the bald woman's face, "Oh, it would seem that you're someone who is very talented. You immediately mastered the way of spiritual communication just by mimicking it. This makes things much more convenient."

The bald woman poured another batch of tea within two cups, she then walked towards Ethan. Handing over the piping hot tea, she introduced herself; "You're here on Earth, and I am the Ancient One, a mage, do you know what a mage or a sorcerer is?"

Ethan received the tea as he slowly took a sip. He then replied with an earnest nod.

Of course he knows what a mage is! Even more so about the place called Earth. After all, his previous self was a native of Earth— but not this "Earth". "Wait, if she could speak through her mind and I could, we're technically linked together? Is she reading my thoughts right now?"

Looking at the seemingly calm and nonchalant expression of the Ancient One, the powerful sorceress of the Marvel World, Ethan could not see any reactions from her whatsoever. "Could she not hear my recent thoughts?" Ethan wondered. It was either that or she was deliberately paying no attention to it.

Calmly placing the cup on the wooden table beside him. Ethan tested the limits of talking through the consciousness. Deliberately mixing mental energy with gibberish words, Ethan intentionally did not focus during the sending of these "dialogues".

There was no reaction from the Ancient One.

"I still could not rule out the fact that she might just be putting up an act," Ethan muttered to himself. "...but, would it matter?" Seeing that he could not do anything anymore, Ethan gave up. Even if he finds out that it was all a sham, what could he possibly do? It was the Ancient One. A mere look from her could easily kill him!

After chatting for a while, the Ancient One generally understood the situation Ethan was in right now. Living in a world full of oceans, a seventeen-year-old boy who lost his parents and has accidentally arrived into this "Earth".

Just from merely "talking" with the Ancient One, Ethan's query regarding how he arrived within this version of Earth was answered; it turns out that the pointer within the spherical ball on his hands points towards places with a dense amount of time and space energy. These clumps of energy are scattered all over the world.

When the pointer arrives at the certain location with the time and space energy, it would then absorb it. Through the power of its host, Ethan, who could feed it with mental energy, a magic array could be formed.

After the transmission, the time-space energy would then "protect" the host for a certain period of time, until all the energy is exhausted. When all the energy is then used up, the host will then be transmitted back to the "original" plane, which in his case, is the ocean-filled world.

The reason as to why the Ancient One and Ethan talked for quite a long time was; She could sense that the accumulated time-space energy within Ethan was somehow unstable.

In addition to all this, Ethan learned that the trajectory of the array wasn't actually Kamar Taj— the home of the Ancient One, but to a person known as the Grandmaster. But as to how and why it was intercepted and was sent to Kamar Taj instead, neither the Ancient One nor Ethan could answer.

"Well, If I did land on the plane of the Grandmaster, I doubt that I'll be having a good time. After all, it is the Grandmaster. Who knows how many people he has locked within his plane every day." Ethan thought,

Besides landing within the Marvel Universe, Ethan was glad that he landed within the movie universe, and not the comic universe. He could sense a slight familiarity with the characters from the movies, like the Celtic Ancient One in front of him, than that of the versions within the comic books that were sort of more unreasonable when it comes to thinking and doing things. "Perhaps, writing and illustration in comparison with an action live-series could really invoke different feelings."

"I could sense that the time-space energy within your body is gradually decreasing. It would completely dissipate within seven days." The Ancient One spoke.

For someone who was quite adept with sensing his own spiritual energy, Ethan knew for the fact that the Ancient One was a bit off the mark. He himself could feel that it was short of a day, which means six days before the energy would eventually run-out, and when that happens, he'll be immediately transported back.

After earnestly nodding, Ethan respectfully spoke towards the Ancient One, "It was not easy traveling up to this point. I barely have enough food and water on my boat. Will this master of the mystic arts in front of me teach this lowly person the ways of the Kamar Taj."

Instead of asking for supplies, Ethan asked for magic lessons instead. For him, learning some techniques to survive is much more valuable than perishable goods.

The Ancient One looked at Ethan with wonder. Of course, she did not reply. After a few more tries of Ethan "convincing" her to teach him, the Ancient One finally "succumbed" to the annoyance,

"Truth be told young man, your mental strength could only be considered as "good". Even if you're able to invoke magic, it will most likely start costing you your life— " She warned with a serious expression fixed on her face.

It was something that was quite obvious. No matter what universe, what story, or what dimension Ethan is sent into— The requirement to be a mage is never low, and learning magic was never easy as well. After all, Ethan is just an ordinary person, both from his previous and current life.

"However…" For some reason, it would seem that the Ancient One wasn't finished talking. She added, "If you only want to learn basic spells that could help and solve your troubles, it would not be a problem."

Ethan wasn't hesitant in confessing his dilemma during their talk. It was his opportunity to gain the sympathy from the Ancient One— But it would seem that she was someone that is not easily moved by sympathy, although she was evidently kind; her cold and unmoving expression would say otherwise.

"You have good control over your mental energy. So getting started would not pose any problem. As long as you keep practicing, this spell will help you solve the problem of drinkable water."

The biggest advantage of being able to communicate through mental energy is that things that are indescribable through words could easily be understood in a more convenient way. With a little pulsing wave traversing through their consciousness, the Ancient One handed over the spell, "Water Purification", to Ethan.

Now all he needs to do is practice it.

The essence behind the spell is to basically use spiritual energy to act as a mesh filter on a molecular level, extracting all external elements and impurities to turn seawater into potable water.

The spell in itself wasn't complicated. Although external factors could affect the magic or its results. The process did not require much energy nor does it have to do with the mana within the void— which most strong spells gain their power from.

It was a practical and convenient spell which Ethan exactly needs. It was just perfect for the world Ethan was living in, full of nothing but undrinkable seawater.

Some problems occasionally would arise when one is training to be able to use a spell. The most common is that the control of mental energy should be accurate and precise. Even if one would have a strong mental energy, they are totally useless when they could not properly control it.

Coincidentally, controlling and manipulating mental energy is Ethan's forte. With years of "practice" by repeatedly controlling the pointer ball, the problem regarding mental energy control is nothing in front of him.

After repetitively practicing the spell, Ethan finally was able to produce something promising. The murky water within his "training basin" turned into a clearer yet "was-still-milky" substance, "This… this is possible!" Ethan excitedly thought.

For the next three days, Ethan trained in "seclusion" to master the "Water Purification" spell. Although he was training within his own room, he was actually allowed to roam free within Kamar Taj. Disappointingly, he was not able to see the "familiar" figure.

In addition, the Ancient One taught Ethan the "local language" — which was still English, but within the Marvel Universe, to help him communicate with the others as to avoid awkward situations and misunderstandings.

Even though he was quite "free". Ethan wasn't allowed in specific places. The Ancient One did not forget to keep tabs on him and would have someone reprimand him when he goes to "places" that he shouldn't be venturing in.

"Eh, it really doesn't matter, I have quite understood everything from the smaller details." Even though Ethan could not move freely, or so he chooses not to really mess with anything that might anger the Ancient One, he was curious enough to learn quite a lot of things. For example—

Within this timeline; It was 2008 post-production, which would mean that Iron Man 1 was done, but Iron Man 2 is still "filming". "Which would mean that Doctor Strange wouldn't be here for a few more years, huh…. What a disappointment."

Ethan was quite ecstatic to be able to finally see live action characters that aren't just portraying with the skin of an actor but were truly living the life a movie character.


Covering down the "training basin", a knock came echoing outside Ethan's room.

Perhaps it was due to his "outstanding" performance in learning the spell. The Ancient One handed over quite a few things for Ethan,

"If I am not incorrect, the energy within your body would dissipate this evening and you'll be sent back to your original world. I am guessing that these things should be enough for you."

Of course, as the current Supreme Sorcerer, or sorceress (?), the Ancient One should be quite adept with reading energy and has been able to correct his guess back then, from seven to six days. She was then able to prepare things in advance.

"The water purification spell that I handed over is quite simple, but it is good for practicing the control of your mind and spirit energy. If you become more adept with it, read these— "

The Ancient One then handed over a book titled "Introduction to Spiritual Training" to Ethan. The book contained detailed explanations on how to practice and use basic spells.

But it did not stop there. Piling atop the manual were thick Oxford Dictionaries, French and Chinese Textbooks, and other types of scrolls and manuals. "Worry not, with enough mental training, you'll be able to read and recite these books with ease." The Ancient One smiled as she unmovingly reacted to Ethan's dumbfounded expression.

"But why give… All this to me?" Ethan asked while scratching his cheek. "How is it possible for me to learn another version of another language within different Earths? Is learning alternative English not enough!?" Ethan inwardly rebuked. Of course, he made sure that they weren't spiritually linked and the Ancient One could not hear him.

"I have a feeling... that you'll be back." The expression on the face of the Ancient One suddenly became serious, "And when that time comes, I might need your help in solving a problem."