Max Peter's almond eyes glittered when they fell upon the green precipitate, sitting on the narrow test tube. The resilient ends of his nose mask, broadened with a small smile as he carefully set the test tube on the rack with the forceps. Unlike his 53 failed experiment, so far, this 54th test was producing the perfect results. Soon it would be ready, and he would proceed to the final stage of extracting the true power from the slate of vale.

"So hardworking. I presume your bones don't understand the language of old age."

Max lifted his head, away from the test tube, to behold the towering features standing arm's length from him. The two gold crescent that held the vermilion cape of the man, was a testimony to his current position in the covenant court.

"Zack" Max called under his mask. His eyes had returned to the test tube, which he collected and shook, before dropping it back on the rack. He jotted something on the leaves of the small book beside him, then straightened to revert his gaze back to the man he called Zack.

"How long have you been standing there," Max asked. He leaned his back on the table, hoping to shield Zack's eyes from reaching the object on the table.

"Long enough to admire your handiwork. I see now why you hardly leave this place."

Max undid the first two buttons on his lab coat and set his latex glove and nose mask on the washing bath.

"Don't tell me you left the court just to admire my chemicals."

"You sound surprised."

Max bit his lower lips as he watched Zack, who walked away from him and stood over the boiling cylinder. The cuff of his black jumpsuit was on his wrist, revealing strong bulging muscles. Muscles of long training and war. It was no surprise that he made a gold crescent in the court. The man was a devoted soldier, even though he was brutal and always driven by blood lust.

"Why are you here?" Max asked, trying to stay calm. The sudden butterfly that crept in his stomach made him swallow. It was a good thing that the room was properly ventilated, but it did little to the sweat that strolled down his aging brow. The handwriting on the wall of the unspoken words was clear enough, he knew why Zack was here.

"Don't tell me you don't know." Max heard the man say as if reading his thoughts.

"I am the guardian of the Slate of vale, who said I'm ready to retire from my duty?"

"I did. Where is the Slate? Give it to me, now." Zack still had his back on Max, giving Max the opportunity to slide the slate behind one of the shelves.

"I don't...I don't think I can do that." If Zack was offended by that word, he never showed it. He only picked up one of his Sol-x and absorbed its energy.

"I feel so alive," Zack said and turned his attention to Max. "Do you ever wonder what one could do with all the power that's inside the Slate of vale?"

"I think about that every day," Max said and walked away from the table, confident that the other man would never guess where the Slate was, "but the power in the slate is not to be used for selfish ends. The power is the only thing that is keeping Anadan and the prison of Vortex intact."

"Fairy tales," Zack mumbled. He walked towards one of the insulated tubes and nodded as if pleased.

"I will ask you one last time. Give me the Slate."

"Sorry Zack, but I think you have to go now, or I will be forced to call the keepers."

"You are so dead Max" Zack roared. He turned with this inhuman speed and held Max's throat. It all happened like a flash, and before Max could observe his bearing, he felt life leaving his body. His feet were off the floor, and his throat cried from the powerful grip that obstructed the air. He held the strong grip of Zack, trying to pull free, but all his effort was useless.

"Daddy!" a dark-haired boy screamed and ran towards Zack.

"Let him go" Another blond hair shouted.

"No...Get...back." Max cried with the remaining life that was left in him. He watched from the corner of his eyes as Zack slammed both boys, sending them flying in the air. Clatters followed as glasses met the rigid hands of the earth. Chemicals streamed the marble floor even as metals and woods click together. And then there was silence.

"Where is the slate?" Zack asked again. A small victorious smile plastered his face when he saw the slate, lying solo on the floor.

"Guardian of the Slate of Vale," Zack spat and hurled Max, who slammed one of the insulated tubes.

Max panted, tilted his head and whizzed, just to allow enough air into his hungry lungs. His head was ringing and his eyes swerved with tiny little stars, like those that fill the calmness of the night. He struggled to his feet, trying to keep the spinning vision steady. The two little boys lay on floor, neither of them moved a limb. They might be dead.

"No" Max tried to walk, but the wobbling legs sent his weight crashing back to the floor. Teeth of pain flooded his whole body, from his spin to his head, blurring his vision. It was impossible to reach the boys, he only watched as the vague image of the green precipitate liquid in the test tube, flowed towards the slate of vale.

The earth shook to the core as the green experimented liquid touched the Slate of vale. And then there was darkness.