The clap from the crowd was much louder as the doctor stood up and straightened his black suit. He was a middle-aged man with bard gray hair. He wore calm posture over his aging face and was nowhere near a hurry, when he glided to the direction of the king.

"Why have you chosen to rip off the feathers of a living raven" The doctor asked.

He was standing on the podium now but the pomposity resting on his shoulders couldn't let him remove his hands from his pocket. The king looked him in the eyes trying to place a finger on those words.

"Perhaps, if the raven is worth the effort"

The king looked thoughtful trying to choose his words carefully and also trying to maintain his humor. Doctor Jakins he knew was among the few who thought him too young and naive to be king.

"What is it that I heard?" The doctor paced around the platform as if in deep thoughts. "Oh yes I remember, it is said that even the raven with the strongest wings soars higher than the weaker ones. And even the best hunter deserves the greatest share of his game."

"But what do you have to say when the hunter or the raven is amidst the strongest and the brave?" The king asked impatiently.

The once joyful crowd was now a quiet cemetery; if one listens closely one would hear the heartbeat of the one sitting next to him. It has never been stored in the archive of the ear, neither has it been documented in the shelf of the eyes, of anyone, who spoke to the King with such arrogance.

"Why the riddles old friend?" The king asked, more calmly like a gentle tiger whom everyone thought timid.

"Am not accepting that" the doctor roared, all calmness gone.

His gray hair seems to stand on his head and his silver-colored eyes were filled with hate. They rested on the king, a daggered glare that could send a child running to his mother. Jeff stared at him and at that instant, all his admiration for the doctor shattered in shreds.

"It belittles my personality; what do you take me for, a beggar for honorary?" Jakins spat "I can't condescend to receive the same price as these brats." He pointed at the three youths in their jumpsuit. "And for your—"

"ENOUGH" The king slammed his scepter so hard that the ground shook. His gold-colored robe was already glowing and his eyes too were more gold now than brown.

The whole crowd got tensed. It was bad enough to provoke a Gold, but making him transform into a full Extractor? That was worse.

The enforcers were on the platform almost immediately, fully transformed. Their silvery skin which was glowing with eye-blinding light could be seen ten miles away, it was as if their lambent glow was pulsing slowly. Their silver bows were ready with a transparent arrow. All trace of their humanity was gone.

Jeff started with a wide mouth; their eyes were as white as snow, flashing its gem, like a blue fire. Their dark hair and black gear was the only contrast to their silver skin. Apart from the books he had read about the Lambent of Vale, he had never seen anyone transformed fully into an Extractor.

"You will speak no further" the king commanded, his glowing body was ebbing away, and his calmness returning.

"Am s...o...rry my l...o...rd." The doctor stammered out of embarrassment than fear "I didn't—"

"The king said enough. You will speak only when spoken to" the leader of the enforcers shouted in a loud deep voice, a voice of order, a voice from one who has pledged their allegiances to serve. To serve and to uphold the truth, that was the motto.

The king shook his head in disapproval when two of the enforcers moved smoothly to cease the Doctor.

"Let him be," he said calmly and ascended his throne where he sat gently.

"Thank you, my king, I am sorry my ambitious mind took the best of me." The doctor said. He collected the documents from the Selector and turned to walk back to his seat.

"Jakins" The king called from his throne.

"Yes my lord."

"You will apologies to three you insulted,"

Jeff almost collapsed at the king's word. Was the king out of wit? The doctor owes them no apology.

Jeff opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted when the doctor made a hasty bow and apologized.

"You are no longer fit for the award, you will hand the documents back to the Selector." The king ordered

"But my king—" the doctor was about to say but gulped the remaining speech with his saliva when he got a glare from the leader of the enforcer.

"Of course my Lord," the doctor said with a smirk and handed the documents back. He walked to his seat, with his tails between his legs.

"To a new history" the king suddenly shouted and raised a gold goblet.

"To a new life" the crowd replied.

Music burst the crowd with a hot jam, driving away the gloomy atmosphere and replacing it with a happy one.

Jeff thought he heard someone say "YOU WILL PAY..." It sounded like the voice of the doctor, but he had his doubt, the doctor was far and the noise from the audience would have drowned those words. In his puzzle, Matt shook his shoulder gently.

"We made it Jeff; we are going to the Heroes academy."

"I know Matt; I know" Jeff answered with a mixed feeling.