She was standing about two paces away from them, in a sleeveless crimson blouse, with yellow trends running on the rim and on the sides. Her hair was tired in a ponytail and her little red lips appears to dull the color of her sleeveless blouse.

"Hi Emazita, hope you don't mind if I call you Ema?" Matt managed to say. He could feel his short blonde hair standing on his head, this girl is heavenly adored.

"Definitely not, besides, that's what most people call me." Ema shrugged "Mind if I sit beside you?" she asked.

"Off course" Matt replied and made room for her to sit beside him, not minding the fact that the question had been directed to Jeff.

"It's good to know you didn't return to Zapper city, traveling with Matt is a torment" Jeff said with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not the boring type," Matt protested, but was ignored.

"I couldn't, going back to Zapper is too expensive and besides, who wouldn't stay here forever? This city is heavenly beautiful." Ema said

"Is it as beautiful as the seven-rose hall of Zapper?" Matt asked

"Well, it's hard to tell, but I prefer it here in the Heroes city"

"Why, because of the beauty?" Jeff asked

"Yeah, and because of the tidiness, I took out sometime to walk around yesterday. There are no slums, no street beggars and the city has a good drainage system, unlike other cities in Anadan"

Silence envelope them for a while

"What's the version of your H-Board" Ema asked, breaking the silence. She carefully took Jeff's Hover Board from his laps and studied its streamline body as though it were some kind of trophy.

"RCD 23-64" Jeff replied.

"That's an old version" Ema frowned. "How come you won that race, I had the lead with a neck breaking distance"

"Jeff is an amazing racer; he had been racing since he was ten. As at that time, this H-board was too big for him." Matt replied and laughed.

"TEN?" Ema asked and Matt nodded "That's an older age"

Matt frowned "What do you mean"

"I started my first boarding lesson at the age of seven, even at that I could not manage the glow of speed rushing through my body. How did you do it Jeff?" Ema asked and Matt observed; her voice was tender and lovely.

"To be frank Ema, I don't really know" Jeff replied plainly. "It just happened"

"You were amazing in that race Jeff; really good... and... sorry for being nosy though, we barely know each other, I don't expect you trust me."

Jeff opened his mouth to argue, to tell her that that was not the case, to tell her that he actually meant what he said, but he was interrupted.

"Hi everyone" said a tall slim girl. She was in a white T-shirt and pale blue trousers, her dark hair flows behind her and her face was filled with emerald green eyes, as huge as that of an ostrich. She towered over the boy standing beside her, with a blue H-Board under his arm.

"PINNA" Ema exclaimed as she rushed into the open arms of the girl. It was like rapping your hands around a tall tree

"Ema, it's good to see you after all these years." The girl called Pinna said as she returned the hug and held her money purse tightly.

Ema smiled at her warmly "You haven't forgotten that, have you?" She asked.

"No I haven't, the last one didn't end well did it?"

Both girl stared at each other, all traces of friendliness gone, and at the look of things, it seemed either of them might raise a fist any moment.