Back in the hall, the six people in white suits sat alone with troubled looks plastered all over their faces and exhaustion too.

"That's the last group to arrive and the last for this year." Announced the secretary; She wore calm posture different from the rest sitting on the table. The Principal stood up and paced the room. He seemed to be in deep thoughts.

"We are running out of time sir" a man named Fred said. "For how long are we going to search for him?"

"As long as there is breathe rushing through our lungs." The principal replied not looking at either of them.

"But sir, we have spent all our resources trying to find him" a woman named Stella said. She shrugged uncomfortably "Now am calling it him, we don't even know the gender. I think it's time we start looking for his touch bearer as well, or to create awareness so the people will engage in the search?" She finished.

The principal paused for a second then shook his head.

"No, we can't risk that. What if we are wrong, it would only bring false hope. The revelation itself said they would come like a mighty twin star in the night's cloud. No one knows what that means. But we should hope to find him first before any of the foreseen tragedy befalls him. What do you think Alex?"

"Well" the man called Alex sat up and cleared his throat. It was the same man who conducted the competition in the Heroes city. "I have nothing to say, I only have one question. How are you so certain that he would come to the academy? He might be out there, somewhere."

The principal shrugged as if suddenly cold

"Just instinct; I believe we would find him, if not we are all doomed.