Rex stood up frightfully. He turned in a three sixty degrees just to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. The crowd was still chanting amid his confusion. Nobody but him had noticed the old man.

"Where did he go?" Rex wondered. In his dilemma, his eyes went to the king's throne which was at the opposite end. It was far enough not to make out the face of the person sitting there, but with the Extractor power, he adjusted his eyes for a long sight. At least my long sight didn't go away with the rest of my speed. Rex thought. Just there, sitting next to the king, were beautiful copper eyes staring directly at him.


Rex's world melted away, the thought of the old man and the mysteries surrounding him had lost its track in his mind. He held the gaze with the queen, battling with a part of him that warned him to avert. He knew he couldn't, even when he tried his eyes won't obey. They stared intently at the beautiful queen. Rex felt some kind of connection, as though everything that had happened was meant to be, as though he was meant to fall in love with this woman the moment he saw her. The eyes of the queen were welcoming and encouraging, but behind the glamour of her eyes, fear and sadness were written boldly.

All eyes turned to the blue sky as a troupe of air Tripler filled it. It came first like a humming song, like a fleet of birds migrating to a favorable weather, like a swamp of locust seeking for green vegetation. The sound became more fervent and loud as it came nearer. The people in the stadium all gasps, with a cloak of fear wrapping itself around them. Some who couldn't withstand the noise fled to their respective abode, and others whose legs were too heavy to carry the weight of their body, watched with clapping teeth.

The air Tripler, with an A-shape; all landed inside the pit ring, which was now empty. The wing creatures and the twenty men had all disappeared.

Off all place to land Zack, you chose the arena. Why are you always a confident fool? Rex murmured irritably, he couldn't tell if it was because of the fact that the general's appearance had brought him back from his trance with the queen, or the fact that he was suddenly jealous of the captain general.

The whole place was quiet and the people watched with fear. The king's knight made to stop the intruders, but backed down when the king gave the signal.

The captain general in his brown uniform stood tall, with his helmet covering his face. Three others in black and white stood beside him, and the keepers - the robots - stood behind them with shocker guns ready.

"Greetings to you my lord" The captain general said as his helmet folded into a plate and covered his right ear. "How great is your kingdom, may your reign be forever."

The general and his companion knelt with one knee touching the mud, facing the king's throne. The once tensed crowd was now returning to its state of rest, as it saw no course for alarm.

Rex was impressed, he never knew the captain general as a lamb. They had fought together for years, but all those years that had forged them into men, the captain's behavior today, was nothing compared to what he once was.

"How dare you interrupt my feast" the king bellowed. He had spoken well this time in pure Anadan's ascent.

General Zack and his companion stood up and gave a gentle man's bow. "We are sorry good king; we were only looking for -"

"YOU ARE DOOMED" the king stood up with anger flashing its radiance in his white eyes. An icy scepter appeared in his hands out of the blue. "Summon the damned" the king roared.

The crowd at that moment let go the cloak of fear that once held them captive and cried out in delight, but Zack and his companions were confused, not knowing what the pandemonium was all about.

The southern door of the arena opened silently this time and people in black gowns, about three of them came out from it.

Their skins were pale like the ash on a hearth. On their left eye was a lightning bolt tattoo which ran down to their check bone. Their hair was scanty, but they were more human than the last time.

This is not good. Rex thought as he ran down the stairs and let go off the brown hood. He jumped and spin in the air landing smoothly inside the pit ring, in front of the general. This brought silence back to the growing crowd.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't fry your brains with a ball of electricity." The general asked angrily.

"Because you would use my skill to battle those" Rex pointed with his shot electric gun. The general frowned and typed something on his control pad. He hadn't seen the creatures until now.

"Great king" the general said "We came looking for one of our own, we would return in peace and tell our people how kind and great you are. Call off your men and there would be no bloodshed today." General Zack warned but the king only stared. The general pushed a red button on his control panel and the keepers turned their attention to the three creatures advancing.

"I said call of your creatures now." The general repeated. But like before, the king kept adamant with boredom. Without much ado, the killing started. The keepers' rain down balls of electricity at three creatures and in a flash of seconds, the three creatures were down with smoke popping out of their body.

"IMPOSSIBLE." The king shouted in rage; with a tiny fragment of enthusiasm written somewhere in his voice. The crowd watched with mouth agape, not even an ant was moving at the moment, for they had not seen a damned army defeated before