The pane of the glass window was open when they finally made it to the poorly lit room. Matt was the first to sneak inside and Jeff followed behind. They were both welcomed with the stack paper air of the small room, whose pile of books, were in disarray on the top of a table, sitting at the center, with two chairs looking upon each other with their legs. The door of the closet hung open from one end, and clothes littered the rug floor and bed.

"What happened here?" Jeff asked. His boot crushed something on the floor and made him lift his gaze to the ceiling. The light bulb was broken. It was difficult to make out the every feature, but he noted that the pictures on the walls were in shred too.

"Nothing good" Matt said. He was standing over the wardrobe now, tying to pick out meaning.

"Maybe a fight, or struggle with the prefect"

"That makes sense. If Ema was in some kind of trouble it's definitely with the prefects"

"What do we do then, what next?"

"What next? I don't know. But I think we should head back to our block before the nights prefect notice our absence." Matt said with a hard face and turned back to the window. It was then that Jeff noticed the metal in his hand. It was a dagger.

"Wait" Jeff whispered and held Matt's wrist firmly "Think about it Matt, if -

"Jeff, did... you... see that?" Matt asked in panic and held up his dagger.

Jeff must have felt it too as he turned behind and saw rays of blue light, escaping through the razor slit of the single door in the room. The light rays were not constant; they were pulsing gently, softly and quietly.

Jeff stared at his friend with wide mouth. "You were right Jeff, Ema might be in danger" He heard Matt whispered softly with fear, but did not cower away. Both boys moved forward, slowly and quietly. But for the echo, the noise in the hallway would have drowned the cracking sound of the door. Yet everything remained unmoved as they turned the knob and walked stealthily into the next room.

Apart from the pulsing of the blue light, the room was totally dark. A body with full lock of hair was laying back first on a large four footed bed, and on her head were two hands glowing with blue light.

"Get away from her" Matt rushed and pushed the boy with glowing hands. Jeff switched on the light and relaxed his tensed muscles.

"What in the five square do you think you are doing Harmzold?" Matt queried. The dagger in his hands was nowhere to be seen.

"She needed it, she would have died if I hadn't come here immediately" Ham defended.

"Is that the best you can come up with? Because that's not the way to answer a straight question" Matt stared darkly at the boy who was almost the same height with him.

"Matt, calm down, we don't want to draw the nucleus of the school to this point." Jeff said and placed a hand on the shoulders of his angry friend, but Matt refused to back down.

"I won't calm down until Ham tells me why he was touching and roman..." Matt swallowed the last part when he noticed the slight change on Ham's expression. "...Are you sure you didn't drug her or something?" he hunched over Ema like a doctor, trying to check her body temperature and pulse. Ham had already gone black with white knuckles.

"What do you take me for Matt? If Ema is sleeping as you claim, don't you think she should have woken up" Ham asked "That" he pointed at another body lying on the floor, with black blood staining the carpet. "Is why I am here, Pinna called me because she knows I could use my healing glow to stop Ema from dying. Now, you see am not trying to take advantage of her? A little trusts Matt, just a fragment."

Jeff noticed the embarrass look that Matt covered with a sigh, but said nothing. Matt had left the bed where the unconscious Ema was and was now squatting over the dead body on the floor. The body was like a decayed skeleton, its dark hair was scanty and on its moon face, underneath its left eye, was a black tattoo that ran down its cheek.