It was an odd experience, judging from the fact that the students wore a confused and uncertain look. This was the first time they had heard the emergency bell, which had echoed like a thunder pushing the foundation of the school. The linage color streaking their uniforms; was the only thing that distinguished the junior class from the seniors. They all sat in hierarchy on stair chairs, which ascended towards the white roof, according to their grade. The stair chairs were arranged in semicircular pattern. At the far end, some meters away from the only door in the grand hall, was a long table, which completed the semicircle of the stair chairs, cutting it like an orange ball chopped in one end with a knife. Behind this table was a huge television screen. The numerous chandeliers on the ceiling poured out rich sunlight, whose radiance was passing through the ceiling fan, making the wallpapers of the teachers, greasy with light.

"Do you think this meeting was called because of the incident at Ema's apartment?" Matt whispered to Jeff who was sitting beside him.

"It would be a relief to my soul if that was to be the case. I think someone must have seen us in the girls' section." Jeff shivered. If someone had spotted them; that means that their stay in the academy was over.

The cracking sound of the wooden door, brought serenity to the hall, as all eyes flowed towards the direction of the curvy posture of the principal. He was in white suit, together with the staffs that accompanied him. The looks on their faces were unreadable, nothing to suggest the reason for the meeting.

The principal stood over the lectern and activated the VA – the voice activator device attached to the lectern - as the hall sat down. He held the peace for a while, almost as if the words were too numerous in his mouth and he doesn't know where to start spelling them.

"Three students were found in the girls' dormitory this evening"

Jeff and Matt nearly choked. Ham, who was sitting next to them but a little distant away, stared at Jeff tearfully. Expulsion was etched in his eyes. Jeff saw Ema and Pinna moving their lips, from the left opposite end, but did not hear what they were saying. It looked as though they were trying to tell Ham something, but Ham wasn't paying attention to either of the girls at the moment.

The murmurs in the hall grew, coupled with the side talks which circulated throughout, but it all dissolved immediately the principal continued.

"These three students, George Orleans, Collins Eder and Orlando Nixa" The principal said "Were found dead In the Second generation of the Dove's scale, in the girls' dormitory. They were students of the fifth generation and among our best."

Jeff and Matt exhaled as relief flooded them, at least they were safe. The students started murmuring loudly, that it took the whole teachers in the hall to calm them down.

"Am not telling you this to spread panic, the academy is still as safe as ever. But since we are yet to find the killer, curfew is now six o'clock, for all students, both the seniors and the first generation."

Some of the students especially those in the fifth grade all stood up and protested, complaining vehemently, that they do have training after six.

"Remember the first rule in this academy, 'obey the new rule, I repeat, curfew for every student is six on the clock, any student found violating these rule in any way would be punished severely. You have your rules, you have your order, don't let chaos destroy you" The principal deactivated the VA and walked down the podium, with the rest of the teachers on his heel. The students started departing too, wearing fear, anxiety and confusion.

"You two should wait behind" Raz whispered to Jeff and Matt "There is something I need to show you" He finished and disappeared in the crowd.

"Who is that" Ham asked the two boys who were watching Raz as he wanders and disappears in the crowd. Pinna and Ema must have noticed it too, as they stood before the three, forming a little crowd of their own.

"Our defense teacher" Matt and Jeff answered in unison, with a delighted tone.

"You mean that boy is training the both of you?" Pinna asked with a bug-eye searching the crowd, as if trying to find Raz who was nowhere in sight.

"But -" Ema wanted to say before Matt interrupted.

"I know what you are thinking, it's dangerous. You would get expelled if the school finds out, blah-blah-blah. But don't worry, we are always careful" Matt smiled at her and raked his blond hair with his hands. He fixed his gaze on Ema so she could adore his blue eyes, but the girl already had her attention elsewhere.

Jeff whispered to the group as he got a signal from Raz, urging him and Matt to sneak away from their little company, but the group went straight to Raz, who frowned and grumbled uneasily.

"I only requested for the two of you, not your league of friends" Raz complained and stared at them dubiously.

"They are our friends Raz, they can be trusted with whatever you want to show us" Jeff said politely. Raz grumbled again but said nothing afterwards.

They walked deeper into the poorly lit hallway, and came to a room which was clustered with cables and junks of unused gadgets. The air was dry and frosty and smell of dust too. The room itself was poorly lit and not a single window was in it.

"Who are these people" a feminine frigid voice tore the veil of their company.

The new comers lifted their heads and noticed as they entered, that they were not alone in the room. Two people - a boy and a girl - sat on one of the junk and stared at them darkly. The both of them were in black training gear, with streak of red running down its side.

Raz frowned "They are friends of the friends I told you about." Pinna laughed loudly at the statement, she repeated it and laughed as though it was the funniest thing she had ever heard.

The boy and the girl sitting on the junk of boxes stood up and walked towards the small group. Pinna ceased laughing at once and stared at them with high guard.

"If we are going to fight what is coming, then I think we could use all the help we can find" The boy said. His angelic white eyes, contrasted his dark night hair. He had broad shoulders and bulging muscles, a careful look and you will see the cephalic vein dancing its head over the jumpsuit.

"My name is Leonard, of the third generation. And here is..." he gestured with his hands, at the girl standing towering behind him like a bodyguard "...Sandra-"

"-Enough with the introduction Leo, we should get this over with before the others notice our absence." Raz interrupted with a hard frown. He blew off repeatedly, the dusts on one of the numerous boxes. As if satisfied that the dust was no longer a threat, he opened the box and pulled out a smaller box out of it. Leonard and the others circled him as he opened the smaller box. Raz pushed some buttons on the box for some time and then whistled when the screen of the box, settled on the picture of a crowd.