The beeping of the flame card was getting weak.

Jeff brought out his water can, and emptied the content on the device, hopping to lubricate the rusted area. It worked, as the clip finally turned when he applied pressure. Jeff smiled and rubbed his palms together. He still could feel the burns underneath the gloved fingers but at least it was not all for nothing. The shiny hopeful smile immediately turned to a frown when he found out that nothing was happening, the clip remained the way it was. Nothing happened.

Jeff shook his head out of frustration for the wasted time, and repacked his bag. What vexed him the most was that the water he should have drank earlier were now wasted on something useless. He picked the flame card, but noticed that the beeping of the card had stopped entirely.

Out of frustration and anger, Jeff picked up the HB55 clip that was on the grassy floor and smashed it as hard as he can. He blamed the clip for making him lose the beeping signal.

Click! Click!

What was that? Jeff asked himself. He picked up the HB55 clip which had made the clicking sound and stared at it with wonder. Above the turning clip was an empty space almost the size of memory chip. Unsure if it will work, Jeff inserted the flame card inside the space and pushed it back inside. More clicking sound followed as Jeff dropped the HB55 clip on the floor and watched as the clip transformed into a hoverbird.

For what seemed like the first time that day, Jeff heard himself laughing as relief flooded him. It was too good to be true. He stared in awe at the stripes of blue, running from the side of the yellow hoverbird, reflecting the scorching sun. It appeared brand new. The speedometer dark screen attached to the front and the version of HB55 in red letters, were the only contrast. At the two sides were strong yellow wind stiffly attached to the yellow body. This seemed to be the latest model. The best hoverbird ever made.

Jeff walked toward it as his eyes caught the beeping signal on the screen, just beside the speedometer. That must be Ema's captors. Jeff hurried and picked up his bag, Raz had instructed them to soar eastward into the capital of Balom, to report to the Zone 3. Too bad, the signal was pointing to the west, damn Raz and his friends. Jeff spat and walked towards the Hoverbird.

Jeff sat astride on the hoverbird, with his feet resting on each side of the wings; his burden behind, he turned the ignition to life. The engine coughed at the first two trials but roared to life at the third. Jeff accelerated and soared westward.

The wind rushing pass by, dried the sweat on his face but the adrenaline vibrating inside him, was heating his body that he felt the pleasing sensation he had felt that day on the entrance examination. The flow was intense and loving this time. Nothing seemed to matter as it course through his vein. Everything in him was very alive and active. He could see the glowing of his hands and his body as the power filled him. He was one with the air. Without knowing how he did it, Jeff's eyes adjusted and he could see thousands of miles clearly, not even the murky white cloud obstructed his view.

Just somewhere ahead, he saw three hoverbird quite identical to his own and sitting in one of them, with hands tired to the back and mouth gag with black cloth, was his red hair friend, Ema.

Jeff accelerated urgently with all his might. He could fell the sweat under his palms, even those under his pinky shirt. He had his eyes ahead trying to pick out the people who had his friend. They were all in black jumpsuit and helmet, with purple cape fluttering in the wind. Jeff leaned in trying to gather more momentum. He could feel the heat inside of him trying to burst open his skin. His head was still spinning with confusion even as he tried to catch up with the people ahead.

Everything seemed to fit now, the betrayer of Raz and his friends. First, it was Raz accepting to train him and Matt, the news about the king, and the theory that only two people would go to Zone-3, And the flame card activating the hoverbird. Why had this people kidnapped Ema? What did Raz and his friends want with them that they had lured them out of the academy? Jeff bit his lips with anger but stop when he tested blood. Raz and his friends would pay dearly. Just hang in there a little Ema, I'm coming for you. Jeff thought, wishing for once in his life that he could communicate with people using his psyche.

Jeff shifted the hoverbird's gear and accelerated to the highest speed. Just when he felt that he was close to the kidnappers, the earth shook greatly and Jeff crashed.

"Ema!!!" Jeff heard himself call before the cold arms of the void claimed his consciousness.